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"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Felix asked me for what felt like the Millionth time. He was afraid, just like I was, that we may never return. I nodded, knowing that I ha to help; Stephano and his friends were relying on me. With a sigh, Felix went to pack his bag. We would have to move around a lot to avoid detection from the 'Bros'. Didn't Felix call his subscribers 'Bros'? Maybe it was his subscribers that were harming Stephano. No way. They love Felix too much to hurt his friends. Keeping the thought in my head, I started to pack my own bag, making sure I only packed what was necessary. Jeans, T-shirts, Converse, Hair Straighteners. Don't look at me like that. I know my hair straighteners aren't necessary but I need them for my hair, which was untameable in the mornings. I had just finished packing my bag when there was a knock on the door. Anthony and Ian. I laid my bag on the bed and went to answer the door, hoping they only popped round for a short chat or to borrow something. "Hey Marzia," Anthony greeted happily, "You ready?"

"Ready?" I racked my brain. Were we supposed to be going out? That's when it dawned on me; We were meant to be going to a new theme park that opened today. I sighed. "I'm sorry Anthony, we cant."

"Why not? you were so excited!"

I thought hard before answering. "Felix isn't feeling very well."

"Well, why don't we all stay here then? It wont be fun knowing that you two are missing out."

"No, you cant because-"

"Marzia! Where's my hairbrush?" DAMN IT FELIX!! I groaned loudly and stormed up the stairs to find him turning over his whole room. I glared at him. "What? Who was at the door?"

"Ian and Anthony are here to go to the theme park." I told him moodily. I had been so busy arguing with him that I didn't hear Ian and Anthony come up the stairs. I didn't even realise they were there until Anthony spoke. "Are we interrupting your plans?" He asked us, a tinge of hurt in his voice.

"No! Of course not! It's just that..." I trailed off, unsure of how to end the sentence. I couldn't explain Stephano to them. They wouldn't understand that they had asked us for help stopping the Bros and Barrels. It was only when I saw him riding on a pig in the doorway that I realised I shouldn't hide it. I took a deep breath and explained EVERYTHING. I told them about when I disappeared in Disneyland, Stephano and his friends needed my help, Me agreeing to help, Felix seeing Stephano and agreeing to help. I also explained to them why we both had small bags full of clothes. Once I had finished, I stared at Anthony. He looked like he was in shock whereas Ian... Ian was Ian. He didn't really pay much attention but I had started to learn that Anthony listened more than considered normal.

"I'll help," Anthony declared, "I feel this could also be my fault."

"How could it be your fault?" I questioned, "you were never in the house."

It was Stephano that answered my question. "Actually, Anthony was in the house quite a while before Felix was." This took me a while to process. Anthony AND Felix both stayed at the SAME HOUSE before they knew each other?! I had to sit down. Felix told Anthony to return home and pack some thing's He would need and be back here in half an hour. As I saw the boys leave, I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I would miss Ian. Even though I had never gotten to know him as well as I had Anthony, I felt like I would never see him again. While I waited for Anthony to return, I decided it was best if I told the Marzipans that I wont upload. Through my tears, I managed to load my channel and send my subscribers a message:

Hey Marzipans, Me and Felix will be away for a while and wont be uploading videos. Why don't you watch an old video to pass the time? Sorry I can't explain but it's urgent. Thanks for understanding. Marzia xx

An hour passed. Where was Anthony? I was about to go and look for him when a note was slid through our mail slot. Felix went to pick up the note while I got the bags downstairs, along with Stephano and Piggeh. As we reached the bottom of the stairs, I heard sobbing from the living room. Cautiously, I walked in to find Felix on the sofa, holding the note. I didn't understand; Had a relative died? Moving slowly, I took the hand out of his hand and felt like I was going to have a heart attack when I saw what was written on it:

We have your weird friend, Anthony. If you want to see him alive, Hand over Stephano and the freaks.

The words kept ringing in my head. Stephano and the freaks? Didn't they all used to be friends? Felix must have done some serious damage when he was there to drive a wedge THIS DEEP between the barrels and Stephano. Knowing something had to be done, I ran over to where I had placed Stephano and explained what had happened. What he said hadn't surprised me as I was thinking the same thing, "We have to help him." I put our rucksacks in the back of Ken's car, Hoping he wouldn't mind us taking it for a while, and helped Piggeh and Stephano into the car. Once everyone was in, I wrote a note for Ken telling him that we took his car and that we didn't know when we would be back and left it on his coffee table. Taking one final look at the house we had stayed in, I locked the door and got into the car. Despite the fact I had come to LA to have fun, I felt like this was the reason we had come here. Not to fulfil my childhood dream or play video games; we came to help stop the end of the world. Or Felix's world anyway.

Hey guys! How are you enjoying the story so far? Trying to add more to the story without losing the important details. What do you think of Anthony being involved now? Will Marzia and Felix be able to save him? Can they stop the barrels? Keep reading to find out :)

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