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I lifted my hand to knock on the door but hesitated. They hated me; they had made that clear when they left. Even though every instinct in my body was telling me No, I knocked on the door, knowing it was my only chance of saving the others. I

waited, Hoping for a response. Knowing that noone was home, I started to walk away but stopped when I heard a

door slowly creak open behind me. I sighed anxiously and entered the house. It was a rundown house with long tangled grass

and a poorly constructed roof. Inside, the walls were drab and the floors were stained with... Blood? Maybe. How could they want to live here? I thought, Was living in the same house as humans REALLY worse than this? I glanced cautiously into each room but froze in front of a small room at the end of the corridor. The living room. Inside I could hear the clinking

of swords followed by a mass crowd of cheers. Were they... Were they sword fighting? I cautiously pushed the door open, hoping my assumptions were false. They weren't. As I entered the room, I saw a small bronze statue was fighting a silver one. Damn, I thought, They're fighting HERE too? I was too caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't realised everyone had

fallen silent. Even the statues had stopped fighting to stare at me. I slowly shuffled forward, hoping they would listen to me for long enough so that I could explain why I was here. I heard a series of coughs from behind me and the door I had entered shut rapidly. Well, looks like I'm not leaving any time soon. I looked at the silver statue that had been fighting

moments ago, attempting to analyse the fury on his face. "Felix," He spoke clearly, "You managed to track us down. Was driving us from our

home not enough for you?"

"I assure you," I

responded, "It was never my intention."

"We tolerated your friend. YOU pushed us out."

Damn it Anthony.


I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drive you out." I stared down at the blood stained rug, "I need your help."

He laughed deeply before staring

at me and responding, "No. Leave here now, Felix, before you are unable to."

"Please listen to me,"

I pleaded, "My girlfriend Marzia needs help. The Bros-"

"We will do NO favours for you! LEAVE NOW!"

"If you wont do it for her, or me, then do it for Stephano."

he suddenly looked at me in fear

and stuttered, "Wha- What?"

Slowly, I explained to him what happened

to Stephano and the others: The visit to LA, the introductions to the gang, Anthony being captured, us going to rescue him

and Marzia and Stephano being captured as well. As I explained the last bit, I felt my voice break and tears formed in my eyes.

I needed Marzia back. I stared into his metallic eyes and whispered, "Please, Josh, help me get them back."

"Alright Felix. We'll help you."

The tears stopped and my mouth was tugged into a smile.

"Thank you." I thanked him, still unable to control my voice.


We had been sitting on the

floor for what felt like hours before they came up with a plan on how to free the others. There was just one thing missing from this scene: Stephano.

I sighed. What is he up to? I wondered. Was he safe? Was Marzia? The thought of her being in danger made me shake with fear. If anything has happened to her... I couldn't finish the

thought. She's with Stephano and Anthony. She'll be fine. So why was there a massive knot in my stomach telling she

wouldn't be? A slam of a sword colliding with the table brought me back to the real world. "Felix?" Josh spoke, "Care to tell us what you're thinking about?"

I shook my head. "

You wouldn't understand. I'm-"

"Thinking about Marzia?"

I was taken aback

by his response. "How- How did you know?"

"Felix it's pretty obvious. you get a

look in your eyes that says 'I'm thinking about my beautiful girlfriend, Marzia.'"

Damn. Was it THAT


"Sorry." I apologised sheepishly, "I'll focus now."

He went back to

organising the plan while I attempted to stay focused on the mission. We had to save the others.

Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind. Where's Jennifer, Mr Chair and Piggeh? They weren't in the car when the others were taken. In fact, they weren't even around when ANTHONY was captured. As if on cue, the door opened violently,

revealing a confident pig, chair and rock. Mr chair, Piggeh and Jennifer. They looked at me and hugged me tightly, happy that I hadn't been taken by the bros. At first, the statues just sat there and stared at us but after a while got up and

reunited with their friends. Once they had all said hello and gossiped about who knows what, their gazes landed on me to explain what had happened. I caught our friends up to speed and waited for their reactions, their questions or their

emotions to take over. They didn't react. They didn't ask questions. All they did was sit where they were, frozen like statues. Are they scared for their friends?

I questioned. I tapped Mr chair's arm. "Mr chair?" I asked, "Are you ok?"

He shot me a

'you're an idiot, Pewdie' look and I rolled my eyes at myself. "Ok. Dumb question." I laughed.

"Do you

think they're safe?" Mr Chair asked me.

"she's with Stephano.  She'll be fine." Liar. You don't believe a word you just said.

"Do you REALLY believe that,

Felix?" Mr Chair didn't believe me. It was clear in his voice.

"I don't know

Mr Chair." I sighed sadly, "I know they can defend themselves but Marzia... She gets scared easily."

"The castle 

people. You of all people should know that you wuss." I chuckled at that. He was right; I had gone into

the castle as a scaredy-cat but came out braver than before. That was mainly to do with Stephano. Stephano, PLEASE be safe.

Please look after Anthony and Marzia. Please protect yourself.

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while I've been away. Going to try and finish the story soon :)

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