Chapter Four

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Cameron's POV:

When I woke up this morning, everything that happened last night felt like a dream. I know that it wasn't a dream though, because Kaylee is in bed right next to me. I go over everything that happened in my one more time, and I still can't believe it. We kissed... Kaylee and I kissed... And it was actually a pretty hot kiss, not going to lie. It's probably because we were both lit, I definitely know I was. Between the pills and the weed, I was on one, and it was great. I was rolling. Norcos and weed always mix well and make for a good high. But that's enough about drugs, for now. Actually I have one more thing to add, there's a party tonight, and I'm looking to score.

I yawn, and get up. Before I can even stretch, my grams busts through the door. "Time to get up! Oh, you're already up dear! That's a shocker." Kaylee rolls over, and looks at my grandma. She immediately sits up and gives me a really weird look. I guess she must have just remembered what happened. The look on her face is priceless though, it's actually pretty funny to be quite honest. My grandma shuts the door and leaves us alone.

"Um. I should go." Kaylee gets up and begins gathering her things.

"Don't you want to take a shower first?" I suggest.

"No. It's... It's okay. I'll just take one when I get home. Gross, I know. But I really need to go." She leaves without saying another word.

I shrug and get in the shower. She's probably freaking out, which is to be expected. I'm freaking out too, just not nearly as much as she is. She needs to calm down, and take a chill pill. Which is actually want I'm about to do when I get out of the shower. Take my one of my daily doses of my "chill pills". I know,  I have a problem. I'm not a full blown addict though. I just like them. I don't care though. Honestly these pills are the only thing that keeps me going besides the fact that my grams needs me. I feel sick without them anyways. I can't go a day without them.

When I get out of the shower I rummage through the medicine cabinet, deciding which pills I want to pop today. I decide to go with Hydrocodone. I pop a few and get dressed. I choose to go eat in case these pills make me nauseous, and I can't eat. They're known to do that sometimes. It's just a side effect, but I'm used to it by now. After I finish eating breakfast, I go put on my makeup. When I'm done with that, I say goodbye to grams before walking to school.

A few times I've actually become so nauseous on the way to school from pills, I've thrown them up. Which is unfortunate, because it just wastes the high. That's okay though, because I always have a secret stash with me. Even if I didn't, I could get some from my friends. Jenny and Cayden know of my pill popping, and are very disapproving. They've learn to accept it though, just like they've accepted my cigarette smoking. Speaking of cigarettes, I take one of of my pack and light it. Ah, nothing like a good cigarette in the morning before school. Before I get on school grounds, I'm finished smoking my cigarette. I go to the usual spot where all us freaks hang out, and I'm greeted by my two best buds.

"Hey." They both say, simultaneously, causing them both to blush.

"Hey lovebirds." I smirk as they blush harder.

"Stop." Jenny begs.

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