Chapter Five

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Kaylee's POV:

So it's now been about a week since the first time Cameron and I had sex. I know things have progressed rather quickly between us, but it's not like we're in love or we're "girlfriends". We just have a connection, I guess. There's nothing wrong with that. I do like her though, and I do like having sex with her, a lot. She's very good at what she does. I know I have nothing else to compare it to, but she makes me feel amazing, even if it's with just a kiss. My head is still trying to process everything that's happened since we've became lab partners. The fact that I've come to the realization that I like girls, is still pretty scary to me. It's still hard to admit to myself every morning, even if I'm waking up next to Cameron. The thing about Cameron and I is, we're total and complete opposites. I may be a freak on the inside, just like she is on the outside, but I'll never be able to be like she is. Not caring what other people think about me. That's too hard, especially after the way that I was raised.

It was hard not to catch a few feelings, I mean the girl did take my virginity. She's been really good with helping me figure out my sexuality. And no, she hasn't just helped me by fucking me. She's been a really good listener and she's been patient with me. Our first night together was everything I could have ever hoped losing my virginity would be like. I never pictured it would be with her, or even a girl for that matter. I thought that eventually I would just give into Michael's wishes and give him what he wants. I'm glad it was with Cameron though. She was so sweet and gentle. And when she held me after... It was just perfect. Ugh, I'm trying not to sound all mushy or to get all mushy and lovey dovey. We haven't even really talked about what this is. If this is even anything other than just mutual physical attraction.

After cheer practice, I meet her at our usual spot on the front steps. We turned in our cell diagram last Friday. We actual did pretty good, we got a 97%. I remember when couldn't even stand the thought of being her partner. We actually ended up being a pretty nice pairing...

"Hey." She takes out her headphones, greeting me. She flashes me that smile that she knows drives me crazy.

"Hey." I smile back at her. "You ready to go?" I've been taking my car to school this past week, just so we don't have to walk to her house. We've been spending most days together at her place.

"Yeah." She gets up, and takes a cigarette out. "You mind if we stop by my friend John's first? I have to pick something up." She lights her cigarette, taking a puff.

"No problem. What do you have to pick up?" I ask, curiously.

"Don't worry about it." She flashes me that smile again, and I drop it. She's just so damn cute.

As soon as we get in my car and we have a least some privacy, I lean over and kiss her. She puts her hands on my face as we kiss, deepening it. She bites my lip before breaking the kiss. "Don't do that." I tell her.

"What?" She smirks.

"The lip biting. You know how much that turns me on." I reply.

"Isn't that the point?" She leans in and kisses me again.

As we start to get a little more intimate, I decide to stop it before it goes any further. "Let's go before we end up having sex in my car that's parked in front of the school we go to." I giggle.

"Fine, fine. But you're no fun. Car sex is hot."

"Trust me, darling. Anything sexual that has to do with me is hot, and worth the wait." I flash her a grin as I start my car.

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