Chapter Thirteen

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Kaylee's POV:

I'm woken up from a pretty amazing dream, by getting pulled by my hair onto the floor. "What the hell mom?!" I rub the back of my head where she pulled my hair. She's woken me up in some pretty rude ways before, but never like this. She pulled it so hard, I'm lucky she didn't rip it out. I would have killed her if I had a bald spot. I'm already pretty angry, but I'm not going to stoop to her level and attack back with physical violence. She's my mother, and I love her. I only wish she had the same love for me, or at the very least, the same level of respect that I have for her. I'm her daughter, and she treats me like I'm absolute garbage. Like I'm a worthless piece of shit. 

"What the fuck is this?" She hisses, pulling out her phone, revealing a picture of Cameron and me kissing. 

I immediately feel like my heart stopped. Someone must have seen us yesterday. We have been fighting a lot lately, which explains why I'm here instead of at her place. After practice yesterday afternoon, I came out to find her leaning against my car smoking a cigarette. She wanted to apologize to me for our fight earlier that morning, which was incredibly sweet. It was like I almost forgot where we were, and I leaned in and kissed her. It was a quick kiss, but someone must have snapped a picture. How could I be so fucking stupid? She's just so beautiful, and when I see her it's like we're the only two people in the world. Of course our happiness was short lived, another fight broke out which resulted in me sleeping in my own bed, alone. Now I have to deal with the repercussions of the situation. I had a moment of weakness, and because of it, my whole life as I know it is going to fall apart.

I don't even know what to say. I'm really left utterly and totally speechless. "Mom..."

"HOW COULD YOU DISGRACE THIS FAMILY LIKE THAT?" She screams, before kicking me in the stomach. 

I grab my stomach in pain. "Please stop, I'm sorry mom." She pulls me up off the floor, once again by my hair. "GET OFF OF ME. LET ME GO!" 


I try to get her off me, but the grip she has on my hair is too tight. "PLEASE, JUST STOP! I'M SORRY!" I could feel the tears begin to form in my eyes.

She pushes me away, letting go of my hair. "You have until the end of the day to get your shit, and get the fuck out of here."

"Fine." Is all I manage to get out, as the tears start pouring down my face.

My mother turns to leave, but stops at my door, and turns around. "You know, I would rather go to your funeral then have you be gay." She walks out, without saying another word. 

I know what she said was true, she really did mean that. She would rather have her own daughter be dead, then have her be a lesbian. I don't understand how a mother could ever feel that way, how they would rather have their daughter lying in a grave, then simply loving another woman. I can't help the fact that I like girls, I can't help the fact that I love Cameron. I wish I could be the daughter she's always wanted. I'm just a disappointment. I tried so hard to be perfect for her. I just want my mom to love me. She hates me more then she ever has now. 

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