Chapter Twenty: Five years later (ending)

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Cameron's POV:

It's been a little over five years since I last did heroin. I'm proud to say that I've been clean and sober ever since rehab. It's still a struggle every single day. I will always be an addict, I can never change that. Heroin is so psychologically and physically addicting. I still crave it even to this day. I'm a lot stronger then I used to be. I can fight my demons now. I will never give into heroin again, or let it have that much power over me. I almost lost everything due to drugs, including my life. I was given a second chance, and I am so grateful for that. Not many people get second chances. Heroin is absolutely horrible, it really is the devil. I thought I had sold my soul to heroin, but I didn't. I just lost my way for a while, but I like who I am now and what my life has turned out to be so far.

I'm a completely different person now. I'm healthy. I'm happy without drugs. I never thought I would be able to say that. I got my first novel published last year about my addiction. I wanted to help others who are struggling, or try and prevent others from making the same mistakes I did. With my novel, I'm trying to save a life. Or many lives. So many people have reached out to me already, to tell me how inspiring my novel is and that my novel is the reason they went to rehab. You don't know how amazing that makes me feel. That is the one good thing that came out of everything. If I had never stuck a needle in my arm, I wouldn't have been able to help so many people. Of course I still wish I had never done it, but I'm glad I can take a horrible situation and try to make some good out of it.

I'm currently working on my second novel. I hope to be finished with it within the next six months. I'm also going to college. I'm studying to be a psychologist specializing in substance abuse. All I really want is to help others, and I'm not wasting a minute of this second chance. Life is precious and far too short. I'm going to make the most of it, and help as many people who are struggling, much like I once was. 

Kaylee and I are still together, very much in love. I'm going to propose to her tonight. I bought the ring a couple of days ago. It's beautiful, and a diamond of course. I had to get the best for her of course, she definitely deserves it. She's doing great in college, getting straight A's just like she did in high school. I'm so proud of her for all that she's accomplished. We're even living together now. We also have two cats together. Currently, we're living in an apartment. If she says yes when I propose, I already have a house picked out for us. I really, really, really hope she says yes. I don't think my heart will be able to take it if she doesn't. I love her so much. She's my rock... She's my everything. She has stuck by my side through so much. She's perfect, and I am honestly the luckiest person in the world. The girl I love decided to love me back and give me a second chance. I have spent every day making it up to her just like I promised I would. I also paid her back years ago in full, with interest. I did the same with grams.

Speaking of grams, I bought her a house out here. She still owns the other one. I would never ask her to give that up because I know how much that house means to her. Her and my grandfather had lived there since they got married. That's where they raised my mother, and then me. Grams spends most of her time here though. I think she misses me too much when she's away. Oh, and worries that I'm going to relapse, which I'm not. She's very proud of me for overcoming my addiction, which means so much to me. She took care of me my whole life, so now I'm taking care of her. I love my grandmother, and I'm so thankful for all that she's done for me.

Jenny and Cayden got married straight out of high school. If this were any other couple, I'd have been doubtful that they would make it. But the two of them, they've always been so in love with each other. Even before they were dating, you could just tell. I'm so happy for them. They deserve the best in life. They're both finished with college, and are out into the working world. I know that Jenny is trying to get pregnant. Her and Cayden are going to be great parents, the absolute best. I'm still very close to them. I talk to them every day with either texting, or a phone call. I fly them up here usually around the holidays, or when they take a vacation from work. It's crazy that even after all these years, they're still my best friends. 

Kaylee's friends Alexis' and Michael are still together too. They're not married, but they already have two kids, and Alexis is pregnant with a third. Alexis hated me at first, and well so did Michael because I did kinda steal his girlfriend, but they're cool with me now. I would even consider them to be my friends. They visit Kaylee quite often, usually we all go out to eat or to the movies, or bowling. Just normal couple stuff. I'm glad Kaylee has them as friends, because they're really good to her. Even if she wont ever admit it, I know how much they truly mean to her. 

John overdosed about six months after I quit using. One of his friends found him on the couch, his eyes wide open, not breathing, with a needle still stuck in his vein. By the time the paramedics got there, it was too late. He was dead. He was way too young to go. He let his addiction get the best of him and win. I do feel sorry for him, even after everything. He was still a person. He didn't deserve this. I wish he had gone to rehab and got the help he needed. I forgave him a long time ago. Now whenever I think of him, I just feel sadness. I feel sad that he didn't have anyone in his life who cared enough to get him to rehab. That may have saved his life. 

"Have I told you how proud I am of you lately?" Kaylee smiles at me, sitting across the table. I took her to her favorite restaurant. 

"Yeah... But I could never get tired of hearing that. It means the world to me to hear you say that." I take her hand.

"Well in that case, I am so proud of you Cameron Klein. Look how far you've come. Look at what you're doing with your life, it's incredible. You are so amazing, and definitely beautiful, on the inside and out." She kisses my hand.

I feel my face get red. "Thank you baby..." I pause, as I feel my heart begin to pound. "There's something I want to ask you..." I tell her.

"What?" She asks, curiously. 

I get up out of my chair, and take a deep breath. I pull the box that holds the ring in it out of my pocket, and get down on one knee. I open it, revealing what's inside. Kaylee's confused look, turns to one of shock. "I love you so much. More then I'll ever be able to put into words. I'm just so in love with you. Thoughts of you consume my mind. Every time I lay eyes on you, my breath still gets taken away. Your beauty is astonishing. You amaze me, and I adore every little thing about you. There isn't a thing that I would change about you. You are literally perfect to me. Even the flaws you think you have, I love. I feel like everything in my life has led me to you. The choices I have made, all the times I've gotten my heart shattered, all of my regrets, everything. When we're together my past seems worth it, because if I had done one thing differently, I may have never met you..." I pause again. "Kaylee Andrews, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" 

"Oh Cameron." She looked like she was about to cry. Hopefully good tears and not bad. "Of course I will! I love you so much." I put the ring on her finger, before standing up, so I can pull her in for a kiss.

"You're my beauty." I kiss her again.

She kisses me back. "And you're my freak."

Author's note:

Thank you to all who have read this story and supported me. Also, I want to thank everyone who has voted and commented on my story. I read every single comment that's left on my chapters. I hope that you liked this story just as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you have any questions about the story, or just want to say hi, you can message me on Wattpad. I also have a kik and snapchat that are on my page. Love you guys! Thanks again :)

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