Chapter Three

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Kaylee's POV:

"Miss, it's time to get up." I'm awoken by my maid's voice.

"Go away." I mumble, still half asleep.

"Your mother won't have it if you're late for school again."

Holy shit, it was one time. One time, last week! Will she ever let it go? I mean the only reason she wanted me out of the house, was so that she could probably bring her boy toy home. I'm not stupid, like why else would she dress up like that? And her dad is the boss, so she can basically take a day off or be late for work whenever she wants.

"Do you think I care?" I reply.

"Miss, please."

I hate when she calls me that. She makes me feel like I'm fifty, or my mother. Ew. I'd rather be dead then turn into the woman my mother is. Yeah, she's that bad. She's literally never nice to anyone. I know I can be a bitch, but my mother takes it to a whole new level.

Olivia, my maid, is nice. She's not like the type you see on TV. She's young and pretty, not old and gross. She has long dark blonde hair, and brown eyes. Her hair is darker then mine, but it still works. I've never seen her in anything other then a maid's outfit. She's always been pretty nice to me, but she's an employee so she's suppose to be. Otherwise, I'd have her fired of course.

I sit up, and watch as she starts to pick some things off my floor. Like clothes I was too lazy to put away, and some text books and what not. Gosh, she's annoying. Maybe I like my room messy, and I don't really like when people touch my things.

"Can you not?" I glare at her.

"Sorry, miss." She stops immediately.

"I'm up, so you can go now." I order her.

She nods her head, and shuts the door behind her as she leaves.

I yawn, as I get up out of bed and head into the bathroom. Shower time. I let the water warm up, before getting in. I always take extremely hot showers. Cold ones are just ew. After my shower, I wrap a towel around myself and head back to my room. My bathroom and bedroom are connected, so all I have to do is open the door and I'm there. I look through my closet, for something to wear. I have so many options. It's a bit cold outside, so I decide to wear a pair of jeans and my hot pink sweatshirt I got from Victoria's secret. I like it, it's nice and soft.

After I brush my hair out, I leave it down. Sometimes I blow dry it, but I'm just too lazy this morning. And well, tired. Next, I move on to doing my makeup. When I'm done, I spray some perfume on. Now, I'm done getting ready.

George drives me to school today. I have to meet freak after school to work on our stupid project. We've been lab partners now for over a week. It could be a lot worse. At least I don't totally hate her, right? I set my bag down next to me in the limo. Before you know it, we arrive.

I head up the front steps, and make my way into one of the buildings, where I know Alexis will be waiting for me at my locker, along with my other 'friends.' They meet wherever I tell them to. I could tell them to meet me in China, and they all would.

Sure enough, they're all there waiting.

"Hey bitch!" Alexis greets me, smiling.

"Must you always call me that?" I respond, opening my locker.

"Sorry, next time I'll use whore or something like that." She giggles.

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