Chapter Eight

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Cameron's POV:

I finally roll over and answer my phone after about the third or fourth time of it going off. "Hello?" I mumble, half asleep. Kaylee rolls over and wraps her arms around me.

This whole thing with her, I don't know what to call it exactly, has been going on for about three months now. It's been great, to be quite honest. At first it was just all about the sex, and maybe it still is a little bit, I mean how could it not be. I taught her everything that she knows, she learned from the master. And boy, am I great teacher. She learned quick, and she learned good. I would give her an A+. But anyways, I also enjoy her company. Even though she's Miss Queen Bee, and we don't have much in common, we never run out of things to talk about. I love our conversations, I love just having that special person to talk to. You don't have to have everything in common with a person to have a relationship with them, just the important things. Shit, did I just call what we have a relationship? I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I'm not someone that needs to define the relationship, so that's why I'm not too concerned with discussing it with Kaylee. We're having a good time, that's what really matters. I don't need some stupid label to know what we mean to each other.

"Oh wow, so you do know how to pick up the phone?" Jenny's voice had a whole lot of sass and sarcasm to her tone.

"Nah, I have no idea how to answer the phone. Obviously." I roll my eyes, even though she can't see it. It's just a force of habit.

"Where the hell are you? If you don't get here soon we're going to miss our bus." I can feel her glare through the phone.

"I'll be there soon. Calm down, it's not the end of the world." I assure her.

"I want to get Cayden something really special for his birthday Cam, you know how much this means to me."

"I know, okay. I'm going to get ready now." Since her and Cayden finally made it official, I know this means even more to her then it already would have. This is his first birthday she's his girlfriend, and knowing her, she's going to go all out. I'm going to be there to stop her from buying the whole mall. Which is one place I absolutely dread going, yay! The only stores I like are Hot Topic, Spencer's, and any store that sells music or music related things.

"Just hurry up." She hangs up the phone.

I sit up in bed and stretch. "Come on sleepy head. I have plans with Jenny and you have plans with Allison. We've already way overslept."

She giggles. "You mean Alexis? AKA my best friend? Shouldn't you know her name by now?"

"Right. My bad." I'm horrible with names, unless the person is hot. I always find that the hotter the person is, the easier their name is to remember. Alexis isn't really that attractive to me, so why remember her name? Well I guess there's one other reason to remember someone's name, and that's if you're banging a girl that's friends with them. "I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a few." I lean in and kiss her, before getting up and slipping on my sweatshirt and a pair of sweats, I pick up my bag before heading into the bathroom.

I turn on the sink and wait for the water to get the hottest it possibly can, before grabbing a cup by the side of the sink and filling it up. I sit on the floor and unzip my bag. I take out a spoon, my drugs, a lighter, some cotton balls, a shoe lace, and a syringe. John showed me how to shoot up, and ever since then, I haven't wasted any of it by snorting. The first few times John had to do it for me, but I quickly learned how to do it myself. With shooting up, I save a lot more of the drug, and get a lot better high. Think about the most amazing feeling you've ever felt, and multiply it by a thousand. You're still not even remotely close to the way heroin makes you feel. I place the heroin onto the spoon, and add the water. The warmer the water is, the better. I take my lighter and heat the spoon, shaking the spoon with small quick motions as it heats up to aid to the mixing, I do this until I see a few bubbles pop up.

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