Chapter Fourteen

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Cameron's POV:

"Cameron, are you on drugs?" My grandma questions me, looking like she's about to burst into tears.

"What the fuck grandma?" I spit out rudely. I mean I am, but still, what the fuck. 

"Don't use that language when talking to me, you know how much I hate cursing and how disrespectful it is. I'm your grandmother. That's not a proper way for a young lady to be speaking. You're not you anymore, you're not my sweet angel." She pauses. "I don't know how else to say this... You're turning into a monster Cameron. I don't even recognize who you are anymore, I know you're my granddaughter, but you're a total stranger to me now. You ask to borrow money from me all the time, giving me excuses that you think I believe. How many school supplies can a kid need? And everyday practically? I know you haven't even been attending school. Don't think I haven't noticed you've been stealing from me. You know we don't have the extra money, I can barely afford the bills around here, and yet, you don't care. You don't care about anything anymore. Look at you, you must weigh about 90 pounds. I'm not naive, I'm not stupid, I saw this same thing with your mother. She's dead, and everyday that breaks my heart to think about. Some days when I first wake up, I forget for a second, and then the pain sets in. I don't want to lose you, I love you. Please, just be honest with me." Tears start to fall down her face.

"You know what grams, I am on fucking drugs." She's right, I don't care anymore. All I care about is Miss Heroin, and I will be hers, until death do us part. "If I want to stick a damn needle in my arm, I can. It's my body, it's my decision. If heroin kills me, or I should say once heroin kills me, it would have been my decision. You're the one who chooses to feel pain and pity for me. Let that feeling go, because at the end of the day I'm still going to shoot up, I've tried so hard to be clean, but I can't. I am a monster, and I don't fucking care anymore. Are you going to give me some money or not?" 

"Oh Cameron." She was bawling, which normally I could never stand to see my grandma cry. "You're sick, you need help. I'm not going to give you any money, you need to go to rehab. I'll sell this house to pay for it, anything. I would give my life for you, and you're just throwing yours away. How could you be so dumb? I love you so much. Please, we need to get you help."

"If you even try and send me to rehab, I promise you that you'll never see me again. I promise you that. Thanks for nothing." I storm into my room and slam the door behind me.

I need money. I need it now. I need my heroin. Doesn't anyone see that this is helping me? When I'm high, everything is better. I'm not some cold bitch, I'm the person I want to be. I'm happy, why does no one want me to be happy? It's my body first of all, and second of all I think all drugs should be legal. Hear me out, if all drugs were legal the crime rate would drop right? It's someone's choice to do drugs, everyone should just respect that and fuck off. 

I grab my pack of cigarettes and pull one out, again not even caring about grams smelling the smoke. I'm sure she's figured out I'm a smoker by now and that's the least of her worries. I light it, before picking up my phone to call Kaylee. I need to put on my happy face, because I need money. She's the only other option I have right now to get some. I have nothing left to sell.

"Hey babe!" She greets me, a smile to her tone.

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