Chapter Six

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Cameron's POV:

My days start off all the same now. I wake up, I roll up my dollar bill, I snort my lines, and proceed on with my morning routine. This stuff is great, whatever it may be. I still haven't found out from John. It doesn't make you do stupid shit or stay up for three days in a row like meth or coke. I don't wake up with a headache or shitty feeling, but a nice glow. I wake up in anticipation for this very moment that I'm in right now. It's so cheap, it only costs $10 for two whole nights of me being high. I still have my grams' prescription pills in the medicine cabinet, but I like this drug. It makes me happy and content with life. I should get some more for this weekend.

For a person with responsibilities like going to school, this drug is perfect. I actually do my work on this, and I do it better than I've ever done it before. Instead of being sad or grumpy I'm just happy, mellow, content. Everything is fine. Everything is great. Every day is a beautiful day. I feel like I can breathe again. I see the sun again. What's there not to love?

All the crap and worry I'm getting from my friends and Kaylee is getting quite annoying though, but it's okay. Everything is fine, everything is good. I don't let it ruin my mood or my high. I do my best to ignore it and move on. That's all I can do. They have their opinions, but I know the truth. I'm the only person that knows the truth, they all just believe their own bullshit. I wish that they could be as high as I am, then they would see how truly beautiful everything is.

"Bye grams." I say, about to head out the door and to school.

"You didn't eat breakfast." She frowns.

"I'm not hungry." I tell her. That's the truth.

"You're never hungry anymore."

I smile at her. "I'm fine grandma, I packed an apple and a granola bar. I'll eat on the way." There's the lie.

"Okay dear. Have a good day at school." She believed every word that I said.

"Thanks. Have a good day playing bingo." I joke, sticking my tongue out at her. I love my grams. Although, on this drug I would love a hobo. It makes me love everyone and everything.

When I arrive at school and get to my spot, I'm greeted by a worried Cayden and Jenny. "We need to talk to you."

"Okay?" I respond. They're acting weirder than usual. I wonder what's crawled up their asses. I light a cigarette. The scared looks on their faces is actually kind of funny.

They pull me aside, so it's just the three of us alone, in complete privacy. This must be serious if no one in our group can hear it. "We talked to John." Jenny tells me.

"Okay?" I mumble again, not really knowing what else to say.

"I finally made him give me an answer." Cayden's face was the most serious that I've ever seen it. So was Jenny's.

"About what?" I inquire, curiously.

"The drug you've been doing." Jenny answers.

"Cameron, you've been doing Methylfentanyl aka China White." Cayden tells me.

"And what the fuck is that?" Even I didn't know what that was, and I'm a total druggie.

"Heroin" Cayden spits it out.

The words hit me like I've been shot. "You're full of shit." I tell them. "John wouldn't do that to me." I was in total disbelief. I haven't been doing heroin. That isn't possible. I would know if that was heroin, not that I've had any experience with it, but I would just know. It isn't heroin. It just isn't. It can't be.

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