Chapter Eleven

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Kaylee's POV:

"You're so amazing." Cameron leans in and kisses me.

I feel myself blush from the compliment. "No really, I'm not."

"You are, Kaylee. You're so fucking amazing. I wish you could see what I see. I look at you and see this beautiful woman who is so talented, brilliant, thoughtful, kind, adorable, and definitely hot." She smirks. "To sum it all up, you're just perfect. I don't know how I got so lucky. You've grown to mean so much to me."

If it were possible for me to blush anymore, I would be doing it right now. "And you Cameron Klein, are the most breathtaking person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing." I take her hand and kiss it. "You are so sweet." I smile. "Well, when you want to be." I giggle. "But seriously, you make me so happy. I don't even think I knew what happiness was until you came into my life. This, you... It took me all by surprise. It caught me off guard... But this is the realest thing I have ever felt." There was a certain tone of vulnerability in my voice. 

Cameron did make me vulnerable. I'm powerless to the way she makes me feel. I think that's what love is though, you give someone your all, you let them break down those walls you've spent your whole life building up. You let them have that power over you. I'm giving Cameron all of me. She owns my heart, she is my heart. She's everything to me. She's a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. I'm falling more and more in love with her each day. Scratch that, each moment. Actually, each second. With every second that goes by, my love for her intensifies. 

On the outside she maintains such a tough exterior. But, that's not my Cameron. On the inside she's the sweetest girl in the world. She makes me feel things I didn't even know were possible. She's slowly but surely letting me in. I'm breaking down those walls, like she did with me. Cameron is so broken from everything she's experienced in her life, and I want to be the one that helps put those pieces back together. There's nights where I hear her break down and just start crying over her mom's death, and I just wrap my arms around her. I hold her close to me and tell her everything is going to be okay, because it is. She is so strong, I know she can make it through anything. This girl is so astounding, she is so stunning. 

She leans in and kisses me again. It's not a normal kiss, it's a long passionate one. "This is the realest thing I've ever felt too, and that's what scares me so much. I'm a fucked up person. There's a monster inside of me that's trying to break free. I can't control it anymore. I'm not a good person. You have your whole life ahead of you, I don't want to be the anchor that drags you down." She frowns. 

"Cameron, you are a fucked up person." I smile. 

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" She was still frowning.

"Let me finish." I kiss her. "But so am I. So is everyone. Everyone is fucked up in there own way. But that doesn't make you a horrible person." I tell her. "You are the greatest person." I lean in and kiss her again. "You will never be the anchor that drags me down, do you hear me? You will never be." It looked like she was about to tell me something, but she was cut off by the sound of my alarm clock on my phone going off. I hit the off button.

"You should start getting ready." 

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