Chapter Nine

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Kaylee's POV:

"Bitch!" Alexis sits down next to me at our usual lunch table.

"Hey." I greet her, faking a smile.

"What's got you so down lately? Still upset over your breakup with Michael? You know he wants you back, slut, so just go for it! You guys were so cute together. I don't know why you would ever break up. He's hot as fuck anyways."

She should up wipe the drool coming out of her mouth. If she thinks he's so hot and so amazing she should go out with him. He has been trying to get me back. He's bought me flowers, jewelry, chocolate, stuffed animals. Basically doing any romantic gesture his small brain can think of. I don't love him, I never have and I never will. I'm not attracted to him. He deserves to be with someone that will love him and want to kiss him and hold his hand, things like that. He deserves a real girlfriend. I deserve those things too, and I have that with Cameron and I couldn't be happier, even when things aren't the best. She makes me the happiest I've ever been, and I don't want to lose that feeling.

Speaking of Cameron, I am really worried about her. She's been really sick lately. I don't know what's wrong with her. Usually I would be on her ass for missing school, but I know this time she really can't go. She can barely get out of bed. My worrying intensified when I got a text from her last period saying that she really needs to see me and that I need to come as soon as possible. I told the girls I wouldn't be able to make it to practice, that I had a doctors appointment. I never miss practice, but I guess there's a first time for everything. Cameron is more important to me then cheerleading. She's more important to me then anything.

She's also been having these crazy mood swings. I don't know if it's just because she's sick or what, but something is definitely going on with her. Sometimes it seems like if you even glance in her direction, she'll take your head right off. It's not just me she's been doing this to, she's also been doing it to her friends. Even her grandma. I'm here for her though, through the good times and the bad times. I've been over the last few days taking care of her. I just want her to be okay. I miss my warm, happy Cam.

"No it's not my breakup with Michael." I tell her.

"I'm not stupid Kaylee, of course it is! You guys went out forever, you're allowed to be upset. He is such a great guy. I bet he's bomb in bed too!" She leans in and hugs me.

I push her off. "Think whatever you want, but I'm telling you, I could give a shit less about my breakup with Michael. Why don't you just go fuck him already? I know you've always wanted to. Really, I don't care."

"OH MY GOD!!! WHORE, ARE YOU PREGNANT? YOU ARE GOING TO THE DOCTORS LATER." She says, a bit too loudly, causing people to look over.

I feel my face begin to turn red. "No I'm not pregnant." I hiss. I want to punch her in the face so bad right now. She can be a good friend sometimes, but a lot of the time she's just annoying. She is my best friend and I love the girl, but can she just please shut the fuck up.

"If you want to get an abortion, I'll be there to hold your hand. If you want to keep the baby, I'll be there as Auntie Alexis to help you raise it." She leans in and hugs me again.

If I was pregnant and she was around my child, it would be cussing before the age of three. Hell, it's first would would probably be whore or something like that. Instead of referring to me as mommy, I would be known as bitch, since that's Alexis' favorite cuss word to call me. "I'M NOT FUCKING PREGNANT." I say sternly.

"Well, if you're not pregnant, maybe I will fuck him then. Ride him like a cowboy, yeehaw!"

She giggles, which causes me to giggle. She really is stupid, but she always knows how to make me laugh when I'm down. "Well you two have my blessing."

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