Chapter Seventeen

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Kaylee's POV:

Cameron, Cameron, Cameron. That's all I can think about. I can't even go a night without dreaming about her. It's pathetic, I know. But you can't choose who you love... Or loved I should say. She was my first love. I'm always going to carry that with me. She chose heroin over me, and I just need to accept that and move on. She never loved me, she loved heroin. I see that now, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. She did the one thing I was so afraid of happening, she broke my heart. I miss her, so much.

I decided that today, I'm going to try my best not to even think of her, let alone talk about her. I'm sure Alexis is more then tired of hearing it. I'm more then tired of feeling this way. Nothing I do seems to help. The only thing drinking does is give me a huge hangover in the morning. Even when I tried to hook up with that random bar slut, I couldn't. We got to her place and started fooling around and I just pussied out and left. She wasn't Cameron... I just couldn't go through with it.

That should have been the whole point though. Cameron was horrible for me. I wish that I could just let her go, I need to let her go. I'm going to let her go. Alexis is right, if I didn't leave, she would have just ended up killing me too. I'd sure rather take a broken heart over being dead.

"You ready to go to school, bitch?" Alexis asks, breaking my train of thought.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Thinking about Cameron again?" She frowns.

"Cameron who?" I give her a fake smile.

"That's the spirit." She smiles back. "We'll find you a new girlfriend. One who's way hotter and actually treats you the way you deserve to be treated."

"That would be nice." I tell her.

"Yeah, now lets go." She grabs my arm and we head down the stairs to my car.

Arriving at school, I was getting weird looks from people. I got some pretty weird looks when I was outed, but that was quite a while ago and people have just learned to accept it by now. Kaylee Andrews is a lesbian, big deal right? Shit, I wonder what's causing it now. I know I look really hot today, so maybe that's it. My boobs are showing quite a bit and look amazing in this top. Even though I'm sad over Cameron, that's no reason to let my appearance go. Fuck, I just thought about her again. I really need to stop doing that.

Cameron's friends Jenny and Cayden approach me. "Kaylee, can we talk to you for a second...?" Cayden asks.

"Um..." I pause, not really wanting to talk to them. I don't have to be nice to them anymore, Cameron and I are done. But they did get fucked over by her too, so why not try and be a little nice. "Sure." I answer.

"Alone." Cayden mentions, looking at Alexis.

"K. I get the point. But Kaylee will just tell me everything you said later." She grins. "Bye bitch!" She gives me a quick hug, before walking off.

"What do you want to talk about?" I question, highly confused.

Jenny starts tearing up, and Cayden wraps his arm around her. "We uhh..." He takes a deep breath, collecting himself. "We uhh got a call from Cameron's grandma last night." Jenny buries her face into his chest.

Immediately, my bitchy smile turns to a frown. I know what happened, they don't even have to say it. This isn't real, this can't be happening. I don't even feel like my heart is beating right now, or like I can even breathe. "And what did she say?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

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