Chapter Nineteen

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Kaylee's POV: 

"Ummm so Cameron is calling me?" I stare at my phone, not knowing if I should answer or not.

"Put it on speaker! I want to hear!" Alexis replies, nosy as ever.

"Should I answer it?" I ask her.

"I don't know. That's like, up to you." She answers.

"Hello?" My heart feels like it's about to beat out of my chest as I answer the phone.

"Hi." Cameron greets me.

"Hi?" I respond.

"I was wondering if I could see you later." She tells me.

"Ummm." I pause, not really knowing what to say. "I guess." 

"Thank you. I really appreciate it. Meet me at my house whenever you're ready to." She hangs up the phone.

"Fuck you for not putting it on speaker." Alexis glares at me. "What did she want?!"

"She wants to see me later..." I have mixed emotions about this.

"Well, are you going to see her?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I guess so." I admit.

"Bitch!" She slaps me in the arm. "I thought you were over her."

I never said that. "I am." I lie.

"Mhmm." Alexis rolls her eyes.

"I really am." I insist.

"Whatever you say, slut." She grins. "Just don't jump into bed with her the second you see her." 

Her comment causes me to roll my eyes this time. "I won't." 

"Yeah okay." She was still grinning.

"Better wipe that grin off your face before I slap it off." I smirk, giggling.

"I could be into that." She jokes, chuckling. 

"What you and Michael do in the bedroom is none of my business." I cringe.

"We can get pretty kinky." She laughs again, knowing she's grossing me out.

"Okay. I'm going to go get ready now and try to get that visual out of my head. Thanks for that." I walk off, heading to the bathroom to take a shower. 

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