Chapter One

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Kaylee's POV: (Point of view)

"KAYLEE! GET UP!" I hear my mother yell.

As much as I don't want to, I open my eyes and roll over. I look at the clock, seeing that I'm about thirty minutes late to school, just great. My maid tried to wake me up about an hour ago, but I just wouldn't get up. Mondays are just ew. They should be illegal. Just as I was about to close my eyes again, my mother barges into my room like she owns the place. Technically she does, but this is my room.

"Kaylee, get up. Now." I could hear the hatred in her voice for me.

I sit up, and rub my eyes. "I'm up." I mumble, still half asleep.

I manage to get a good look at her, and I can tell she's wearing new everything. She only wears the best of the best clothes. She's wearing a black dress that probably cost a couple thousand, some new sparkly diamond earrings, a bunch of other jewelry I'm too lazy to describe, some new heels, and she did her hair all nice. Her long brown hair usually looks amazing anyways, but it looks especially good today. Maybe she's cheating on my dad again.

In the like five seconds it took you to read this, I bet you can already tell I have a pretty dysfunctional family. To say my parents and I don't get along, would be an understatement. They hardly even notice me unless we're having a high class dinner party in which I must attend, or I did something wrong. My parents are beyond rich. My dad owns car dealerships across the nation, and my mother works for my grandfather. He builds a bunch of houses and what not. She helps design them or something like that. I don't really care/pay attention enough to know. Although, we must keep up appearances as a happy family.

I definitely do keep up appearances. In most parents eyes, I'd be like a perfect child. Except the fact that I'm a bitch, but hey most teenage girls are. I'm head cheerleader of the varsity cheer team, I get straight A's and nothing less, I usually don't get into trouble, everyone loves me. Well, not everyone. Like I said I'm a bitch. But, everyone wants to be me. That I know. Even my fellow cheerleaders and friends are envious of me. Who wouldn't be?

I have brains, and looks. Which is rare to find. I'm not like one of those brainy people or whatever. I mean, I just pay attention and actually try. That's usually all you have to do to pass. As for looks, I look like the typical California girl/cheerleader. I have long blonde hair that always looks amazing. I don't even have to try, it just does. I have the prettiest blue eyes you'll ever see. That's what everyone always tells me, and I agree with them. I'm also naturally tan, which is always a plus. I'm about average height, I wish I was a little taller to be honest. That's one of the only things I would change about me. I'm 5'6 which is nothing special. As for weight, of course I'm skinny. Cheerleading keeps me in amazing shape. I'm seventeen, and a senior in the best high school in town.

My mother glares at me for a few more seconds with her dark brown, creepy eyes before leaving. She gives my father the same look.  You can just see the bitterness when you look in his eyes too. The world just has really gotten to him. Or maybe it's just my mother who has. She's cheated on him so many times, and he still stays with her. I don't think they really even love each other, divorce just isn't in their vocabulary. I don't even know where I get this blonde hair from. My dad is brunette too, and also has brown eyes. He's a pretty handsome man, which isn't surprising considering they produced an absolutely beautiful child. I'm their one and only. I don't think they even wanted me, like I'm pretty sure I was an accident. Oh well though, I'm here for a reason. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

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