6. Eyes closed

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•Third Person P.O.V•

Natsu was frustrated, he threw all the crinkled paper at the wall. Lucy felt uneasy to see him like this. She attempted to roll in but Gray stopped her.

"He's gonna do that no matter what. You can't help him." He explained.

"But he needs some-"

"He'll settle down by himself, trust me. He does this all the time when he's painting or playing football." Gray smiled assuringly, but Lucy made the doctor a promise. To stay healthy was to stay with the people who love you. That meant she needed to support her friend Natsu. She rolled in avoiding Grays advise.

"I can handle it." She told coming toward Natsu. She breathes heavily as he stroked the paper elegantly. It was gorgeous, not that she would know. His art was beautiful, but Natsu began to fume. He grabbed the wet paper, and crumpled it up. As Lucy heard the crumpling again she began to worry. His heavy breathing the anger in his steps all told her he was furious at what he was drawing.

"What's wrong?" She asked hesitantly.

"I can't get this damn painting right?" He barked.

Startled Lucy continued, "can you explain it? So I can see it?" Natsu was brought back, his breathing though settled. He sat down and began explaining the painting.

"It's of a old window in the art room. It's dusty, and there barley any light showing from the outside. But one spot of the window shines and spot lights a delicate pink flower." He tells calmly. Lucy smiles imaging the window and the flower.

"So why are you in such distress?" She asked putting a hand on his thigh for comfort, "you can paint what you see... But you have to put your body into the brush. Your soul." She tells supportingly. Natsu closed his eyes and began to paint softly against the thin paper. In the end he had messed up, but the painting looked more magnificent then the last had been.

"There's a difference." Natsu tells honestly.

"I don't get it." Gray crosses his arms as he stares at the painting.

"It must be beautiful." Lucy encourages her face bright. Natsu began to paint again, though Lucy hadn't known what it was it was of her from the other day, her sad face when she realized one of the characters in her book had died, when she realized her friends just came in to hold her. Natsu smiled, this one had no flaws.

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