8. Truth

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•Third Person P.O.V•

"You have a lovely smile, Lucy!" Levy says happily. Erza wipes her eyes.

"I haven't seen you smile like that in so long..." Erza whispers. Lucys smile fades, and she puts her hands on her thighs. She uses her fingers to feel her skin. It feels like she's touching someone else's skin, she doesn't feel the skin of her fingertips to her thighs. They feel distant.

"It hurts to smile..." She murmurs, "It feels wrong to smile."

"It isn't wrong to feel happy." Gray tells. Lucy takes in a breath. She's been heard. Natsu consoles Lucy, resting his hand on her shoulder. Lucys ears turn red. His hands are warm.

"I'm ok..." She whispers taking another breath, "It's ok..."

•Lucys P.O.V•

You feel torn, broken? There's always something that heals you, glue, bandages. It might not... Fit, the scars might stay, but at least pick up the scattered glass, the ripped up sheets, and try to preserve. That's what they've taught me.

"Wanna hang out after school?" Gray asked. I nodded with a smile.

"We'll be going too." Erza snapped, and Gray groaned.

"No you really don't have to..." He murmured.

"Excuse me, I don't trust perverted scum like you." Erza huffed.

"I agree, you're a ass." Natsu, and Levy snickered.

"That's enough." I interrupt.

"Too be completely honest you're the ones who are being cold..." Gray sighed sadly, I can imagine a tear stretching down his cheek as he holds a shaking fist with sorrow. I laughed softly, and reach my hand out for someone to hold it. A warm palm retrieves mine.

"Let's do it!" Levy chimes. And then we all go to class. I wave to Erza, and Levy as we leave gyms since they still haven't changed my schedule. I listen and feel for my next class but again Natsu approaches, and helps me around. At the end of the day we all got together, and ventured.

"Where are we headed?" Asked Levy.

"I guess we have to come up with that before we decide to hang out..." Gray laughed awkwardly.

"How about the pool?" Levy suggested.

"Nah, I don't like swimming in children's piss." Erza said.

"We can go to an arcade?" Natsu chimes, and we sigh.

"How about the amusement park?" I asked. I felt the uneasiness in the air. I guess that was also a no.

Erza began to say, "Let's just go to the café." We traveled to the café, I'm guessing they chose an easy place since I couldn't do most of the cool stuff like a movie, or going to the beach, I wouldn't be able to move in the sand. We ordered, and chatted for a long while. When other classmates had entered we all got a big table, and talked even longer. I hadn't talked much though.

"Are you serious?!" Levy snorted.

"Why would I lie?" Gajeel huffed while Levy laughed louder. Gray talked with Elfman, Mirajane, and a few other people about cheerleading, football, and all the sports Fairy Tail High had. Erza talked with Jellal about politics of course. I sat there when suddenly my phone beeped, I searched for it, and put it up close to my ear.

"Message from father..." The voice began, "Where the hell are you? You better come home or I'll pull you back myself!" I covered my mouth sickly.

"Lucy, are you alright?" Levy asked concerned. My face went pale as my phone began to beep out of control.

"A new message from your father..." The voice claimed as more cursing rose from my electronic. I wheeler back, and gulped hoping the greenness would disappear, and the nauseated feeling would go away.

"I'm fine... I just have to go..." I apologized, and began to wheel away, "don't mind me."

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