9. Here

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•Third P.O.V•

She struggled as she searched for her things, and packed quickly. She felt so rushed; so panicked. Everyone at the café began to worry. She looked so fearful, and sick.

"Tell Juvia if she's alright." Juvia said.

"Please." Laxus insisted with concern. Everyone left, Gray, Erza, Levy, and Natsu heading straight to Erza's home. They found Lucy on the floor out of her wheel chair frantically. Her face full of fear as she felt around the floor.

"Lucy?!" Erza gasped with shock. Lucy stopped her shaking hands. Lucy held her mouth as she hurled up all her anxiety. Natsu ran to her side and held her hair back while he patted her back gently. Lucy gulped as she tried to settle down.

"What's wrong Lucy?" Asked Gray who was very concerned. Natsu consoled her as she brushed her tears aside.

"M-My father is requesting me to return. So I have to go or... I'll be in trouble with him." Lucy stuttered. Everyone glanced at each other. Natsu wiped Lucys mouth with a tissue from a tissue box that had fell to the floor.

"Shhh it's alright. Everything's gonna be ok." Natsu spoke softly. He picked up the fragile blonde, and placed her back in her wheelchair.

"I won't let you go back there!" Erza shouted with an angered fist.

"I have to... I can't run away from this any longer. Might as well face it head on." Lucy told.

"You can't go back... He'll hurt you..." Levy said with sorrow.

"We won't let you!" Gray yelled with a tint of pink to his cheeks.

"Lucy. You don't have to do this..." Erza sighed with sadness.

"At least not alone." Natsu spoke pulling Lucys hair behind her ear.

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