Chapter 6

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Hello... FROM THE OTHER SIIIIIIDE!!!!! (My parents are watching Adele right now...)

Anyways, after taking what I said would be like a three week long break, it was harder than I thought to get back into the swing of things. After almost two months of schoolwork and writer's block, I've finally returned to write Chapter 6. Hope you like it!!

Oh and this chapter is dedicated to my best friend ebearskittychan for being awesome and supportive. Also, thanks so much for the lightning bolt necklace! I've worn it nearly every day since you gave it to me. ⚡️

Kyleigh's POV

"What do you feel when you use your powers?"

"What do you mean?" I ask Tats.

"When you are using your powers, do you feel anything different than when you aren't using them?"

"Not really," I answer at first, but then change my response to "Well, maybe, but I don't think I notice anything anymore."

"Alright, I want you to use one of your powers and focus completely on what you experience when you are doing so."

"Okay." I use my powers to float about a foot off of the ground and do as Tatsuya says. I close my eyes to ignore my surroundings and focus. It's become such a natural thing for me to use my powers that I can hardly tell a difference between using and not using them. But there is a faint sensation that seems to grow stronger as I think about it, otherwise I wouldn't notice it at all. It's like a humming throughout my body, a faint charge d electricity coursing through my veins. It makes sense for me to feel this, but I don't understand why it would hold any significance, but I trust Tatsuya. I've learned over the last week that he knows much more than you'd ever expect him to. The more I focus on the feeling, the stronger it becomes, the more powerful I feel. The sensation reminds me of when I had my final battle with Andrew, when I was able to sense the lightning in the sky right before it became visible.

After a couple of minutes I open my eyes and touch my feet back to the ground.

"Could you feel anything?" He asks.

"Yes, actually," I answer. "It's like electricity. It's similar to what I can feel during thunderstorms. I can feel the electricity in the storm."

"Hmm... Can you feel the electricity in this room?"

"Uh, I can try," I say. I've never tried to sense manufactured electricity, though I suppose, in theory, I could potentially control it as well.

I close my eyes again and try to feel the electricity in the room. After a few moments of seemingly wasted time, I finally feel something scattering through the air. I focus on the sensation, attempting o make it grow as I did before. Opening my eyes, I concentrate on one of the light panels on the ceiling, while trying to maintain the same level of focus. I raise my hand up and aim it at the light in an attempt to control to energy within it. However, no matter how much I try to manipulate the electricity, nothing happens.

"I don't think we discovered any new powers here..." I say, giving up.

"Are you sure?" He questions. "I'm pretty sure I saw the light flicker for a second."

"I didn't see it flicker," I argue.

The training room door opens and Vita enters. "Oh, an I interrupting anything?"

"No, I think now would be s good time for a break," Tatsuya says.

"Okay, good," Vita says. "We have something we'd like to show to Kyleigh."

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