Chapter 16

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I'll keep this message short, but I hope you enjoy this chapter. I hope the extra length will partially make up for the long wait.  Also, I apologize for spelling/grammar/other errors you may find.  I just finished writing it and wanted to post ASAP so I haven't edited yet.  Aside from that, enjoy!!!


Kyleigh's POV:

I wake the next morning, the day of the mission, feeling as though I barely slept. I know anxieties from yesterday and anticipation for today is what kept my mind from calming down, and those feelings have definitely not left me yet. I check the time on my phone and find that it's nearly 9:45AM. Groaning, I sit up in bed and rub my sleepy eyes before stretching my arms out. I make my way out of my bed and into the kitchen where I pour myself a glass of milk. The mission is late tonight, however I have to show up at M.U.F.F.I.N.S. in the early afternoon to start preparing for the mission. Also, I really need to talk to Dr. Carson about my concerns.

After I grab a small breakfast, I make my way out the door of my house, wanting to go for a run in the hopes of clearing my mind a little. As I walk out the door, I unintentionally glance over at Ryan's house. No, Kyleigh. That's something you can deal with after today, I tell myself as I force myself to look away and start running in the opposite direction.


"Dr. Carson, can I talk to you?" I ask quietly when I find him at M.U.F.F.I.N.S. HQ.

He is talking with a couple of the other agents when I find him, but he responds, "Certainly, Kyleigh." He excuses himself from the others and we walk down the hall to have a bit of privacy. "What's on your mind, Kyleigh? Pre-mission anxiety?"

I chuckle, "I guess you could say that... but actually, it's more than that."

An understanding smile crosses his face. "It's alright to be nervous on the day of your first assignment. In fact, the nerves never really go away for most of us here."

"Well, yeah I get that..." I respond as I'm trying to figure out how to tell him what I need to actually say. "But..."

"What is it?"

I sigh, deciding it's best to just come out and say it. "It's Vita. I don't trust her."

He seems very surprised by my statement. "You don't trust Vita? Kyleigh, she's one of our best agents."

"I know. That's what I've been told. But I can't trust her. There's something off about her."

"Kyleigh, I think it's just your nerves getting to your head."

"No!" I argue, "It's not my nerves! Even Andrew seems to know her. He said she can't be trusted!"

"Andrew?" Dr. Carson asks, even more surprised. "Andrew told you she can't be trusted? And you believe him?"

Frustrated, I try to think of what to say. I don't want to believe Andrew, but I guess I do. "I..."

"I thought you'd be the last person to believe anything he says. Andrew is a liar. We can't trust him. Kyleigh, you can't be putting your trust in your enemies."

"Didn't he give us information to find ANIME though? That information was true. Why would everything else be a lie?"

Dr. Carson turns so he is facing me straight on and he places a hand on my shoulder. "Listen, Kyleigh. It's mission day, and it's vital that our team has trust and faith in each other. You need to put these concerns aside. I can guarantee you that Vita is not trouble. She has done so much good for this organization since she joined. You need to put these concerns in the back of your mind and we can sort this out after the mission. I'm sorry, but I need to get back to finalizing the preparation of this mission. And I believe you've got costuming to attend to yourself." And with that, I watch as he walks away from me. I'm so frustrated at that point that all I want to do is scream. It's as if nobody understands me these days and it's driving me insane.

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