Chapter 15

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Hello everyone!! I know it's been forever again.  Life has been busy. I get caught up in college work, and lots of stuff going on in life.  My family actually just moved to a new house and I've had to help a lot with that. Things have been pretty hectic to say the least, but I think my life is going to calm down now, at least for the next few months.  I hope to not have to disappear from Wattpad as much from now on.  At least for the summer.  I'm hoping to finish this book before I go back to school in the fall, and that's a goal I will try hard to achieve.  Expect more regular updates from this point on.  I hope you are all enjoying summer so far and I appreciate all of you who are still sticking with me after this year of super slow updates.


Kyleigh's POV:

I was minding my own business, but my current business is to keep Ryan safe. I didn't know he was at the park, and I wasn't necessarily looking for him. I was going for a walk, or rather a super speed run, around town, more to clear my head than anything. I'm more than glad I found him at the park though. I didn't mean to find him hanging with the guys, and I didn't mean to ruin his "guy time." But when I saw him, I did investigate the perimeter of the park, just to make sure there was nothing suspicious going on. I've been doing this for the past couple of weeks, as I can't tell him to watch out for himself. I'd never seen anything or anyone before, but there was no way I was going to stop being sure that he is safe. And I am glad that I had been doing this lately, no matter how much it makes me seem paranoid. It was a good thing I've been a little—okay, a lot—paranoid, because this time, I did notice something.

There was someone lurking around the park that day. I didn't recognize the man, but it was easy for me to tell he was up to no good. I could see him watching Ryan. I have no clue how long he had been there. I could also tell he had a weapon or two of some sort hidden in his clothes.

It was logical for me to assume this was an agent from ANIME. As much as I wanted to attack him, I didn't know what he was capable of, and if I exposed myself to him, his objective would certainly change from stalking Ryan to capturing me. So instead, I sent a strong gust of wind at a trashcan, pushing it at the agent. Caught off guard, the agent fell on the concrete and the trashcan tumbled on top of him. Realizing someone had somehow seen him, he hurried away from the scene. Ryan had heard the commotion and came to investigate and that's when I took him home.

I couldn't tell Ryan this. Not unless I wanted to get in trouble with M.U.F.F.I.N.S. And yes, his words hurt, but it would hurt a lot more if I had found out that he was hurt, or even worse, killed by ANIME because I wasn't watching out for him. I really don't know how serious he was when he said, "I really don't think I'm capable of dating you," but I completely understand why he would think that way. I wouldn't be surprised if he hated me for all the secrets I keep from him, but I can't help it.

Either way, I've just got to forget about him for tonight. Over the past week, M.U.F.F.I.N.S. has been able to uncover very important information pertaining to ANIME and the final details about the mission are going to be planned out tonight.

I arrive at M.U.F.F.I.N.S. by entering through one of their secret entrances, and I find my usual crew in a meeting room with a oval shaped table for everyone to sit at. In the room when I enter is Dr. Carson, Vita, and Tatsuya as well as a few agents I'm not as well acquainted with. I'm informed when I arrive that Camri and Brian will be joining us soon to discuss the details. Around five minutes later, the last two join us, carrying a heavy duty looking briefcase.

"Hey guys!" Camri greets cheerfully as she sets the briefcase at the head of the table. I've noticed that Camri is the type of person to always have something to smile about. I have only seen her around a few times so far, but she is probably the most cheerful person working at M.U.F.F.I.N.S.

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