Chapter 9

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Hello StormClouds!! I feel like I haven't written this story in forever! Luckily I only have 3 weeks of school left and then I'll have all summer to write.

I was wondering, if I were to do a Q&A thing, are there any questions you'd want to ask? I've read lots of stories where the author does a Q&A and I think it would be fun. You could ask questions about the story (but I won't give any spoilers), you could ask questions to the book characters directly (and I'll have the characters answer them), or you can even just ask me random questions. If any of you all would like me to do a Q&A, leave questions here for me. If I get a decent amount, then I will definitely do one!

By the way, I'm absolutely amazed with how much support my stories are getting.  Book 1 is almost to 30k views and it has over 2k votes.  Thank you so much for reading my stories.  They may not be the most well written, but I enjoy writing them and I'm glad that there are people out there who enjoy my works.  E(:

Anyway, on with the story!

Ryan's POV

"Is it summer break yet?" my locker neighbor, Benny, asks sarcastically as he enters his combination and opens his locker.

"I wish," I laugh with him, "but it's only the third day of school."

"Way to crush my dreams, Ryan," he responds jokingly.

My attention is averted to the end of the hallway when I hear a shout of "Kyleigh!" I look over and find an excited Caitlyn attacking Kyleigh with a hug. She finally showed up, I think with a smile.

"Hey, isn't that..." Benny begins, most likely about to say something about Kyleigh's powers.

"My girlfriend," I finish before he says anything else. I quickly grab my books for the first class, close my locker, and make my way to the end of the hall.

"Please keep it down, Cate," I hear Kyleigh tell her friend. "I really don't want any extra attention drawn to me."

"Why not? They aren't going to hate you for being a hero all summer. Everyone loves you!"

"Only because I have powers now. No one cared about me last year. Besides, that's not really what I'm concerned about anyway."

"Then what are you concerned about?"

Kyleigh shakes her head, not wanting to answer. That is when she notices me standing just a little ways behind Caitlyn and I wave at her. She walks away from her friend and towards me. "Hey," she greets, giving me a quick hug.

"Hey," I greet back. "Where have you been?"

She looks away from my face for just a second before answering, "Nowhere special."


"Yeah, I just wasn't ready to come to school yet. I needed a few extra days off."

"At least you're here now. I've been worried about you. All of your friends have."

"I'm a big girl, Ryan. I can take care of myself," she responds, but I can tell that she is still bothered by something. "I need to go to my locker now, if you don't mind."

As she begins to walk away, I inform her, "Oh, by the way, we have second and third block together."

"Thanks," she says, turning away to leave.

"Hey," I say, getting her attention one more time, "today will be a good day.  It's going to be okay."

With a small smile, she says, "I know."

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