Christmas Eve Special

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This is going to be kind of short but I decided to write a Christmas Eve special for my readers. Thank you so much for 230+ reads!!

Luke's POV

Today is Christmas Eve and Cassidy was finally released from the hospital yesterday. Since Cassidy was in the hospital, Claire never got the time to decorate her apartment  for Christmas.  So here we are decorating her  apartment. The tree was up and  the kids ( except for Blake because he is only 9 months old) are decorating the tree with ornaments and candy canes. Blake is just sitting there saying things in baby language. Claire keeps saying he is going to start talking really soon. 

"Baaaaa!" He yells then starts laughing. That kid cracks him self up. Claire just chuckles at his baby personality. 

Then I remembered I had to do something, but what was it? Um decorating no we're doing that now, ummmm PRESENTS!!! Omg! I forgot presents. It's only 12:30 all the shops should be open still. "Claire, I'll be right back! I need to go grab something from the store." I yell half way out the door.

I ran to the elevator and pressed the lobby button. When it finally got to the lobby I ran outside to my car.

-Skip Car ride-

I pulled into this giant mall and parked. First stop was Toys r us/ Babies r us. Okay what does a 9 month old baby want? Ummmmmm Stuffed animals! Yes! I got him a stuffed lion and a stuffed penguin, because everybody loves penguins. (Lol I had too) Now on to Jackson and Cassidy. For Cassidy I got her a few dolls and a cute outfit that says 'Daddy's Girl' and for Jackson I got him a few matchbox cars and trucks. Kids done. Finally Claire, for Claire I was thinking about buying us a giant house, I kind of feel bad that she is stuck in that tiny apartment with 3 kids. So I figured hey why not. We are a family right? So let's be a family and move in together. The house that I've been looking at is in Australia near my family. I'll think I'll suprise Claire with it. Well it's already baught so yeahhh. Maybe in the future I'll propose but let's stick to the present now.

Cliff Hanger...... I will update More frequently now cuz I'm not busy. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Next chapter is going to be longer and will be half Christmas Eve and the other half will be Christmas Day. Although I might do two separate chapters. I'll think about it. Byee for now. Will try to update later. Comment below on what you think of the book! Thanks Byee! :)

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