A million times YES!

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Luke's POV

" Claire, this is very nerve racking for me to say" I said.

" Claire Elizabeth Rodgers ( made up last. Name, change it if you want to) we have known eachother for 4 years. And out of those 4 years, I only had the guts to ask you out 2 months ago, but I am ready for our future. Now, I know you aren't the kind of girl who likes those long, useless speeches, so I'm just going to say it, Claire Elizabeth Rodgers, will you make me the happiest man alive and bee my Mrs. Hemmings?" I nervously said.

Without hesitation she yelled " Yes! Yes! A million times Yes!" She started to cry.

I stood up and placed a kiss on her lips and carefully slipped the ring onto her finger.

" Luke?" She said, sounding nervous.

" Yes?" I said, thinking she was getting cold feet about getting engaged.

" I'm pregnant" She said, looking down.

Sorry! It's a short chapter!! Next chapter will be longer! 

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Btw this book will end soon, probably in like 10-15 chapters. but don't worry, there will be a sequal. Don't forget To check out my Ashton Irwin fanfic ( all you Ashton girls out there)!


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