Chapter 3: Invitation for Fresher's Party

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"Your college was supposed to be over by 2pm right? Why are you coming at 4:30 then?" interrogates mom as I enter the house. I knew that she is going to ask about it. But I cannot tell her also the reason behind my delay.
Aditi you have to lie one more time!

"Mom I didn't know the exact timetable and I had an extra lecture today so I got late" I answer.

"You could have informed us. I was trying your phone but it was switched off" she says.

"Yes mom, I switched my phone off before going for class and forgot to switch it on" I say. I lie basically. One more time. Superb Aditi! You are soon going to get a degree in lying with your mom!

"Okay. But don't do this again. Now go and fresh up yourself."

"Yes mom" I say and go back to my room. Well, today was quite exhaustive! I hope tomorrow is all okay.


"Hey Aditi! Did you see the notice board? Our seniors have planned a fresher's party for us" asks Shikha as I sit beside her in today's lecture.

"Oh really? I didn't see that" I reply with a sigh. "Where is the party? In our college campus?" I ask further.

"No. The party will be at one of our senior's club house that he owns" she answers. But what did she say? Own clubhouse? I have never been to a clubhouse and the students of this college even own it. Strange!

After the lecture, I go downstairs to check the notice board to know the whereabouts of the party. What I find is that the party has been planned at Daksh Rathod's clubhouse! Yes, he is the same person who broke my phone yesterday and bought me another one too. That was quite genuine of him I suppose.

"So what is your name? Aditi right? You are coming for the party this weekend?" comes a voice from my back. I guess I am familiar with this voice. Heavy, husky voice if I am not wrong? Yes, he is Daksh. Omg from where did he pop up all of a sudden?

I turn behind and as I said, my guess was right. I am so good at guessing! The same muscular, tall boy is standing before me. Where did he come from suddenly? His eyes are fully concentrated on mine and I guess he is waiting for something. Oh no, he asked me something and I have yet not replied. So stupid of me!

"Y-Yes I will come" I hesitate a bit while replying.

I told him my answer but he is still gazing at me as if he has never seen me before. This is so embarrassing. Wait, why is he coming closer to me? Oh no, lord save me! We are, at the most, only few inches apart. I can feel his breath, and his lingering cologne.

"Dakshhh, what are you doing there? We were waiting for you in the canteen from like half an hour" yells a female voice from behind. He quickly moves back and I feel relieve.

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