chapter 8

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Amanda's POV

Being with Jeremy made me forget about what's going on around us it felt like I was a human. But then reality hit me when I dropped Jeremy home and went back to the Salvatore house. As soon as I walked the the door Damon asked me 20 questions about where was I how come I didn't call him and the list go's on and on. Of course I didn't listen to him I went upstairs and into Mirandas room I seen she was sleeping I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the forehead." Love you baby girl." I turned around and bumped into Damon. "Damon what now?" He dident say anything instead he leaned in and gave me a little kiss on the lips I was shocked at what he did but I kissed him back a few mins we pulled apart.

"I got to go." I quickly ran to the bathroom and locked the door. What the hell is wrong with me, get a grip it's Damon your baby's dad. I turned the shower on and took off my clothes and hoped in. After my shower I put on my bath rob and went to my room I changed into some grey sweats and a blank shirt. I walked to my bed laid down and pulled the covers over my body and fell asleep.

I woke up and made my way out my room I noticed Damon was gone I made my way to Mirandas room. I picked her up and did my morning rounite with her. As i was getting ready I got a text from Elena.

Elena: was wondering if you want to go with me to the Lockwoods?

Amanda: Yea come over.

As i was walking down the stairs Elena and Jeremy shows up." Good morning." Elena says " Areyou ready to go?"

"Yeah." I gave Miranda a kiss on the forehead then I gave her to Jeremy."Call me if you have any trouble."

"Can you just go." I glared at him. Elena and I walked out the house and drove off to the Lockwoods. When we got there Ric was waiting outside for us.

"Good morning Amanda, Elena."

"Morning Ric ready to check out this cave? " Ric nodded and lead the way. We climbed in the hole Damon made I shined my light around to see where we were going

"So the Lockwoods really have no ideas that these tunnels are underneath their property?" Elena asks. I stoped but Elena and Ric kept going I started to wave my flashlight around.

"Careful where you shine that thing. Bats hate the light." As soon as Ric said the word Bats I froze. I know I'm a vampire but Bats still freak me out.

"Say what." I looked at them both I heard a whisper " Amanda." Behind me. I "What the hell Damon!!"

"Scaredy-cat." He says. He wrapped his arm around my waist but I pulled away."Amanda I was just playing." I dont find it funny at all

"Just Ingore him that's what I do." Ric calls out.

"So we really can't get in?" I turned and looked at Damon. He pulls me to him.

"No...seems to me like the ancient Lockwoods were anti-vampire." Damon slowly moved his hand down my back to my ass

"What do you mean ancient? " I said as I moved his hand off my ass.

"See for your self." I walked further into the cave and looked around there was writing on the cave wall." This is how far we go." Damon says as he grabbed my hand.

"This sicks." Damon laughs and pulls me into him again.

"Who's watching Miranda? "

"Jeremy is." My stomach started to growl. "Perfect I forgot to bring a blood bag.

"Drink from me." I looked at him like he was crazy.


"Amanda you need to feed." He did have a point. He Moved his neck to the side and my fangs came out. I bite his neck causing him to moan his blood tasted good I didn't want to stop but I had to.

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