chapter 13

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Elenas pov

I didn't sleep well at all last night I kept thinking why did i tell Stefan i had feelings for Damon? I hope he doesn't tell Amanda? Amanda will be upset or even worse she'll hate me. I can finally admit it im in love  with both Salvatore brothers. Katherine told me it was okay to love them both.

I couldn't deal with thinking about my love life. I walked out my room and made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. Ric was in there he was looking through the cupboard's

"Morning." he peeked around the cupboard door. Ric looked bad i guess he was drinking all night

"Thought we had aspirin" ric really didn't look good

"Yeah in the vitamins, you're hung over." I said walking over to the coffee pot

"Yah, sorry about that, it was bit of weird night." I think he feels bad cause i walked in one him and Meredith kissing

" I told you, you dont have to feel guilty about inviting Meredith over here." i told him. He turned around and took a sip of my coffee.

"Oh i know, and i thank you for that. But i do feel guilty for whiskey dialling her at two in the am." oh my god Ric your terrible. I chuckled a little

"No you didn't. " he put his head down and looked at his black coffee

"Oh yes i did." he says while settkng his coffee down and putting his hands over his face

"Oh, was she cool about it?" i asked him while i walked over and sat down on the opposite side of him

"Well, as soon as these aspirin kick in and i remember the conversation, ill let you know. " the door bell rang and I walked over to the front door and opened it. It was Caroline's mom

"Sheriff Forbes, hi is everything ok?" i was hoping nothing happened and everything was fine

"This is an unconventional conversation were about to have, so i hope you'll protect me on it" what did she mean protect her?

"Of course. " I heard Ric say from behind me

"I assume you both heard our medical examiner was murdered the night of the Wickery Bridge fundraiser. " how come no one told me about this?

"Yeah Brian Walters, why?" Ric says in a confused voice

"We've been investigating, someone drove this stake through his heart " she was looking at the both of us while holding the stake.

" that's one of ours, I mean this is one of a set from your parents lake house " Ric says while looking at it.

"Thats why im here i haven't told anyone but forenensics ran it for prints and found only a clean set." then she looked directly at me. "Yours." what the hell did she just say my prints were on the murder weapon?

"What.!" i shouted. I looked at her then at Ric

Damon's pov

I went out looking for Amanda and my baby girl but i couldn't find them. I was stupid for kicking Stefans ass in front of my daughter I knew i shouldn't have done that but seeing Stefan with Amanda pissed me off. Now i know why what Amanda says about elena and I close. I went on a killing spree that's how mad i was i was so close to turning my humanity off. After my killing spree I went home and to be honest my home didn't feel like a home im missing my daughter and Amanda i went up stairs and took a long hot shower. After my shower I went to my room and went to bed.

I woke up this morning and got ready to go see Elijah i grabbed my keys and walked downstairs and out the front door. I got into my car and drove off to Elijahs of course he wasn't there so i left him a note telling him to meet me in the woods. I hope i was right by pulling that dagger out of him. I got into the woods and parked. I got out and began to walk in the direction i told him i would meet him at. My phone started to ring i pulled it out my pocket and seen it was Elena. What the heck did she want? I answered the phone and she was a shaken up. She told me the stake that the person used to kill the medical dude was from Elenas dad collection and the crazy part is it has Elenas fingerprints.

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