chapter 6

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Elena's pov

After Amanda and Stefan showed up at the boarding house I had to leave I couldn't be in the same house as Stefan I was still hurt cause the man I loved bite me. I knew it was Klaus's fault that Stefan has no humanity but the Stefan we all know and love is gone and I don't think he is going to come back. I seen Damon was mad when Stefan said him and Amanda would entertain their self. The way they walked up the stairs together it looked like they were a family. I could tell Damon wanted to go up stairs and see what the hell Stefan and Amanda are doing but he didn't instead he stayed with me.

When I got home lucky no one was there. I went up to my room and got ready for bed as I laid down I cried I couldn't keep the tears back. I cried cause of what happened to Stefan and I and everything else that is going on in my life right now.

I fall asleep and I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom and took a warm shower after I was done i got out and got ready for school. I went to my mirror and looked at the bite mark. All the event came back to me how he sunk his fangs into my neck and almost drained all my blood. I picked up my foundation and placed some cover up to me neck. After I was done i went out my room and down the stairs to the kitchen where Ric was.

"Good morning." He dident answer. I looked at me and he looked bad maybe he had a hungover again. I fave Ric a few cups of coffee and then we started talking. I told him what between Stefan and I. He said he will teach me how to defend my self against vampire's. We left and made our way to the woods . I was training with Ric he was showing me how to stake a vampire with a sleeve that had two stakes in it.

"So the pressure of your punch ejects the stake." He made it look easy.

"Easy enough."I tried but the stake didn't come out."That's weird." I tried again but nothing came out maybe it doesn't work. I looked at Ric." Must be jammed or something." He looked at me and took off the sleeve.

"Your not strong enough better start lifting some weights, put some meat on your bones." I couldn't believe Ric called me weak.

"Thanks for not sugar coating it." He takes something out his bag and shows me.

"You know what this is?" I looked and it was a vervain grenade.

"A vervain grenade. I have used one before." He smiled while tossing and catching the grenade.

"Then you know the element of surprise is your only advantage when it comes to a vampire." He pulls the pin out and throws me the grenade." Surprise." He shouts.

"Oh my God." I throw the grenade in the air and it exploded." This isn't  a  joke to me Ric." I said as I walk over to him.

"You think I'm joking? Vampire's will take whatever they want they would hurt whoever they want. And they'll do it without remorse. It's thier nature." I knew he was talking about Stefan.

"You don't have to use pronouns you can say Stefan." He looked at me and his face soften.

"Look, I get why your here . Stefan hurt you, you don't want it to happen again.." I had to cut him off.

"But you think I'm crazy to believe that I can protect myself from a vampire that flopped the swith on his humanity." He signed. I knew he had no faith I'm me I'm tired of people thinking I'm weak.

"I think you found a way to get out of bed this morning and that makes you the strongest person I know.  I think you can pretty much do anything." He gave me the sleeve with the stakes in. I put the sleeve back on.  I didn't think Ric would say that to me but he was right. I'm going to do this I'm not gonna be that weak girl anymore.

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