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Damon's POV

Amanda was serious about moving out. I went by her room a few times to talk to her but she didn't want to hear me out. I finally gave up and went into my room and fell asleep. I woke up and walked into Mirandas room she was still sleeping. I went to take a shower after my shower I walked over to Amanda's room I knocked a few time but she didn't answer. I walked to Mirandas room and she was not in her crib looks like Amanda and my princess are downstairs. I went back into my room and slowly started to get ready

"Good morning" Stefan looked up at me and he had that face. Wonder what got him broody then his usual self

"You're late, we were supposed to meet Bonnie at the witch house in ten minutes." I miss the old Stefan

"Relax, brother you don't want your hair to fall out" I told him as I was walking to the closest

"Would you hurry up We have work to do you know, Klaus isn't gonna spontaneously self destruct" I turned around smiled at him." Why are you all chipper?" He asked me curiously

"No reason, be with you in a minute"

Elena's pov

Everything was overwhelming me. I had Damon compel Jeremy to leave town and forget everything that has happened. I wanted him to be a normal 16 year old. The worse part is I didnt even tell Amanda my plan I know she is not gonna be happy at what I did but I'm doing it for his own good.

I had to train at Rics today so I changed and ran downstairs to the kitchen. I looked around and Ric wasn't there but I did bump into Jeremy and he is all excited about moving to Denver it hurt me knowing that I'm not gonna have my brother with me. I told him I was running late. I grabbed my car keys and ran outside and got into my car and drove off to Rics. When I got there I started walking up the stairs I heard noise in his apartment when I opened the door I seen Amanda hitting the punching bag I looked over at Ric who was holding the bag he looked worried. I walked in and seen Miranda in her swing looking at Amanda and Ric

"So what has my big sis all worked up?" She continued hitting the bag

"You wanna know. I didn't sleep last night I was to busy packing" She hit the bag again. Why is she packing up?" Stefan stole Klaus's coffins" She hits the bag again " and lastly Damon Salvatore is an ass." After she said that she punched the bag really hard causing Ric to fall back" Oh My God! I'mso sorry Ric!" She vampseeds to me and checks on him. We both helped Ric up

"Yeah, me neither probably something to do with dying...."he was trying to be sarcastic to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. I looked and seen Amanda was taking the gloves off

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm fine. I think the ring, however is running low on batteries." Ric was trying to hook the punching bag back up. I tried to help but it was no use Ric finally hooked the bag up. Amanda walked over to me and helped me put the gloves on

"Yeah, that's another reason why Jeremy has to get out of town. those rings have a shelf life, he is not protected, neither are you." Amanda stops what she is doing and looks at me. Shit I forgot to tell her

"What do you mean Jeremy is getting out of town?" She did not look happy at all

"Amanda I should have told you, I had Damon compel him to forget what happened and to leave town. I need him to have a normal life. You understand don't you?" I punched the bag

"Why did you go to Damon and not me?" I stopped and looked at her" He's my brother to Elena not just yours, didn't you think I should have some say into what happens when it involves him?!!" Ric steps between us. " I'm sick of you and Damon planning things behind my back." She glares at Ric

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