Chapter 15: Electric Shocks

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Marie's POV

I opened my eyes too see myself lying down inside a metal cage.

"Ugh... Where am I?" I said standing up.

"Your worst nightmare...," a cold voice said.

"Hunter just get out of the shadows will you?" I said sarcastically and banged my fists on the cold metal bars.

"Your so puny... Do you think I would instantly come out just like that?" He yelled.

"Oh please, as if you're smart enough to know that my friends are on their way to save me!"

"Oh really? Your puny friends may have escaped the rope I have tied on to them but they will never escape my grasp."

"Hunter... Please... Why do you have to be so mean?"

"Because I'm not mean, I'm heinous... Very heinous!" Hunter said as he did a sinister chuckle.

We went very silent after that. I tried to look for an escape but there was no use. The metal bars of the cage were too thick and strong.

"So... Tell me Marie," Hunter began. "What is your plan in defeating me?"

"WHAT?! Why would I even tell you?" I screamed.

"Haha, not if I do THIS!"

Hunter looked at me with his red eyes as I felt a strong force of electricity shock me. This was my element, why am I getting hurt so bad?

I squirmed and squealed in pain, hoping that Hunter would stop.

The pain... It was too much... For me to... Handle... AAARRGGHHH!

More electricity shook my body, it was like all of the parts of my body will fall off from the painful shocks.

"HUNTER!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "S-STOP!"

Hunter stopped the electricity. I couldn't stand up anymore, the pain especially in my ankles was unbearable.

"Give up puny zebra?!" Hunter snarled. "So, aren't you going to tell me? Or else it's going to hurt... A lot."

I was really weak, my hands, neck and ankles slightly bled from the shock.

"I-I'll never t-tell you!" I stammered.

"Okay then," Hunter said, continuing the electric shocks.

I squirmed around through the pain, it was the worst. It was like, a thousand shocks surging through my body.

Then suddenly, a tiny rock hit Hunter's eye.

"OWWW!" He mourned. "WHO DID THAT?!"

"HEY SNAKE!" A familiarl voice filled the cave. "YOU HURT HER, YOU HURT ME!"

I turned around to see a boy with dragon wings. While flying, he was carrying a slingshot and a bag full of stones.

"Why you little... I'LL GET YOU!" Hunter said as he quickly ran towards the boy at lightning speed.

Oh great, now I'm stuck in this cage, how am I going to get out?

I didn't have my sword with me, I left it in the cabin.


I summoned a ball of electricity from my hand and flung it to one of the bars.

No, it didn't work, the ball bounced from the metal bars and shot me back on my chest.

"OWWW! GEEEEZZ!" I yelled falling to the floor.

Next I tried to squeeze out of the cage. The bars were very close to each other so it was no use.

Then I remembered what Isaac said: to find your inner power.

I closed my eyes and began to concentrate. I felt power as electric bolts gathered to my hand.

I opened my eyes too see a lightning rod in my hand, sparks flying in each direction.

With all my strength, I threw the rod to one of the metal bars. It broke in half and shattered on the floor.

Woah... That was... AWESOMESAUCE! I can't believe I did that!

I shook my hand and another rod appeared. I smiled and threw it next to the broken bar.

A few rods were made before I could get out, bar after bar was broken and pretty soon, I made an exit for myself.


Then I realized where I was, I was in a cave... Somewhere.

I looked around for an exit but it was pitch black for me to see.

I formed another ball of electricity to light the way. With the light, I saw a path leading up.

With my hopes up, I followed the path which directly lead to sunlight.


But before I stepped into the open, I heard a voice from the entrance of the cave.

"Who's there?" It said. "Marie? Is that you?"

The source of the voice was a male, but how did he know my name?

Aha! I knew who's voice was that...

"Jacob? Is that you?" I yelled.

The boy stepped out of hiding and said, "MARIE! I'm so glad you are safe!"

He pulled me out of the darkness and gave me a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're safe!" he said.

"You too!" I replied.

Jacob rummaged through his bag and gave me a small knife.

"Here, you'll need this," He said.

"Thanks!" I said.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I was kidnapped by Hunter... Wait a second, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well I was walking down this path when I heard some screaming," Jacob explained.

Both of us fell silent.

"Where is my sister? Oh, and her other friends too," the dragon asked.

"Oh, well... About that..."

(I told Jacob the whole story)

"That's HORRIBLE! We must save them!" Jacob exclaimed as he grabbed my hand and started dragging me up the trail.

"So, where are we going?" I asked the boy.

"To this small shack I made," Jacob said with a smile.

We hiked up the steep trail of the mountain to a small flat area where a tiny shack stood.

It was made of wood, not finely made because there were bits of wood poking out if it. There was also a window on one side and a small fenced area on the other.

"Wait out here, I'll just grab some stuff," Jacob said as he swung open the door.

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