Chapter 27: Cancellation

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Marie's POV

"NOOO!" I cried out into the darkness. "LEONORA!" My voice echoed throughout the walls of the ravine.

Nobody responded to my call. "LEONORA!" I tried again. Nothing.

Robert ran towards me and pulled me back from being the next victim of death.

"HAHAHA! Yes, Leonora had fallen!" Ranie cheered. She broke free from the people pulling her back and sprinted to the edge of the ravine.

She looked at us with her evil, red eyes. "YOU CAN'T STOP ME!" she yelled.

"Ranie! What are you doing?! Get back here on the safe side!" Isaac harshly said. "And that's an order."

"Order smorder, I don't care about your stupid commands. You fools can't control me!" the fox said.

"Ranie! Stop it this instant!" Robert said.

"She's not Ranie anymore," Maxx said. "It's Hunter."

I took a small step forward. "Ranie please, you don't have to do this."

The fox just laughed. "You puny fools. I could do whatever what I want!"

"I know! Let's play a game," Ranie smirked. "If one of you animals take one more itty bitty step, I will be gone!"

"What do you mean, you will be gone?" Maxx asked.

Isaac gasped. "D-death?"

"Ding ding ding! We have a winner!" Ranie said as she approached the very edge of the ravine.

Everyone went silent.

"Well... Since nobody is starting up a conversation and nobody is taking a step forward, I'd rather start a tragedy," Ranie said. "Bye."

The fox started to tilt backwards towards her doom.

"NOO!" I ran as fast as I could and caught Ranie's arm before she fell.

"Ugh, let me go, you useless zebra!" Ranie yelled at me.

"I'm not letting you go! You're my friend!" I yelled back at her.

"This is gonna make me cry...," Maxx sighed. She, Isaac, Alice and Robert just stood there.

Ranie tried to break free from my grasp. "I'll tell you one more time, or your existence is done. I said, LET ME GO!"

"NO! I can't loose another friend!"

"Well too bad, you just did."

She broke free from my grip and fell down to the bottom of the ravine.

"Ranie...," I muttered to myself. Maxx helped me up and tried to make me feel better.

"I can't believe she just... Left," I sighed.

Suddenly, I heard some rock move slightly to my left. "A secret door...," Alice said.

"Where does it lead to?" Isaac asked.

"Let's find out," Maxx said. We followed her through the door to see...

"Jacob...," I quietly said. His hands were chained and his head was facing downward, making his bangs cover his eyes.

I started to walk towards Jacob. I quickened my pace and ended up running.


My body shook like a gong and I collapsed on the floor because I hit my face on some weird invincible forcefield.

"Owww...," I moaned.

"Are you okay?" Robert asked me as he helped put me back on my feet.

"Yes, thank you," I replied.

Maxx drew closer to the invisible border. "What is this?"

Isaac closed his eyes and started tapping the border with his finger. It caused a visible crack. Each tap caused the crack to expand, the effect was like a cobweb. Pretty soon, the invisible forcefield disappeared without a trace.

I waved my hand infront on me to see if the divider has gone. "How did you do that?" I asked, amazed.

"It's called cancellation. My father taught me this trick to cancel other powers, well, precisely Hunter's," Isaac explained. "Preety cool right?"

"Cool! I never even knew that was even a thing...," Alice said.

Isaac panted. "It's also very tiring. Father could do as much as seven times in a row without resting while I could only do it once."

I placed my hand on Isaac's shoulder. "Don't use it again right now, you must be very tired." The prince just nodded.

"Hey! What the hell are we waiting for? Let's go get Jacob!" Maxx said. I continued my fast pace towards the dragon.

"Hey, Jacob," I said him as I got close enough. Jacob didn't move. He just kept the same position.

"Is he dead?" Maxx asked.

"That's proposterous! Of course not!" I objected.

Jacob slightly tilted his head to the left.

"See! I told you."

"P-please... Help," Jacob muttered.

"It's okay Jacob, you are going to be fine," Alice said.

"First of all, how are we gonna get these chains loose?" Robert asked.

Isaac tugged the chains. "It needs cancellation again."

I objected once more. "But you will-"

"No," he cut me off. "I have to do it."

"What happens if you overdo cancellation?" Alice asked.

"I don't know. I'll probably faint. It's better than death at least," Isaac replied.

"Hopefully it's not death," I said.

"Hopefully not," he said. Isaac placed his palm on the melal chains and started the cancellation process. I bit my lip in anxiety, hoping that both Isaac and Jacob would be okay.

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