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*Killian's POV *

I'd somehow ended up with three roommates: David, Robin, and Will. They'd already turned the living room into a disaster area by the time I walked in.

"There he is!" David yelled over Robin and Will. "Where the hell have you been? You said you were going to get pizza five hours ago!"

"I was busy," I shrugged, my face reddening at the thought of Emma. "Why didn't you get your own pizza anyway?"

"You met a girl!" Will said immediately, seeing through me. "That's why you're all red!"

"I thought you didn't fall for anyone," Robin teased me smugly. "You've always been a 'hump and dump kind of guy', even in high school."

I didn't say anything, just glaring at them as I went to grab a soda. They continued to mock me until David, the only one with an actual girlfriend, cut in.

"Guys, stop!" He yelled over them. "Leave the guy alone. If he met someone, that's great. Just because the two of you are idiots doesn't mean he can't fall in love. So shut it!"

We all stared at him a moment, the other two looking sheepish as we all sat down and turned on the game. I shivered from the high A/C and realized I'd left my sweatshirt with Emma when I dropped her off, smirking to myself.

*Emma's POV *

I walked in and was immediately wrapped in a tight hug, awkwardly hugging who I assumed was one of my two roommates.

"Mary Margaret," the other girl sighed. "Let the girl go. You're being creepy."

"I'm being friendly," she muttered but let me go. "Anyway, I'm Mary Margaret but you can call me Mary. And the sassy one over there is Ruby. You're... Emma right? It looks like your stuff has been here for hours and we've been dying to meet you!"

"Uhm, yeah," I nodded, turning pink at the thought of Killian. "Nice to meet you. I was just getting lunch and then I went to orientation is all."

"All alone?" Mary asked, concerned. "Well that's no fun. Next time we should all go together! Then you can meet Regina too!"

I simply nodded, forcing a small smile before excusing myself to unpack in my room I was to share with Ruby. Killian and I had just kind of piled it on the bed, so I sighed and started to organize. I was putting away the last of my clothes when Ruby came in and flopped onto her bed.

"God, that girl has energy," she sighed. "She's worse than my Granny, I swear. And that's saying something."

"Yeah," I laughed a little. "She's very... cheerful. But I guess we'll have to get used to it."

"I guess," she groaned and sat up with a pouty face on. "But I'm not promising to like it."

"No one said you had to," I laughed.

"Its just a good thing I ended up sharing the double room with you. I have a feeling she gets up at dawn," she rolled her eyes. "But you seem pretty normal... apart from the fact that you have yet to gush over whatever guy you were with today."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I stuttered, turning bright red as I sat on my own bed and started getting my backpack together. "Why would you think I was with a guy?"

"Oh come on!" She plopped on the end of my bed. "I can just tell these things. Now spill!"

I was really reluctant, but I really needed to start making friends here and put down some roots. Besides, what could it hurt to tell her about this? I sighed, rolling my eyes with a small smile and telling her all about my day.

"Oh. My god!" She said as I finished telling her about his goodbye. "That is so amazing. What's this guy's name again?"

"Killian Jones," I said and her eyes widened, her mouth falling open. "Why do you know him?"

"Uhm, duh!" She practically yelled. "He is only the hottest, sexiest playboy in the state! Every girl in my high school wanted to get with him, but he never went past an hour with a girl let alone took them out like that."

"He just..." I looked down, wringing my hands. "Sleeps with girls and doesn't talk to them again?"

"Yeah, but I mean," she shrugged, quickly trying to figure out how to back peddle. "He never called them dates like he did with you, and from what you said he really seems to like you."

"You think?" I asked quietly, looking up through my eyelashes as I pulled my knees up to my chest self consciously. "I mean, I'm not exactly that great. And I'm not-"

"Hey," she cut my off. "I'm sure he likes you. I'm also sure that there's a kick ass party tonight and you have to come with me!"

"I'm not so sure about a party," I said causiously. "I should get ready for classes and finish unpacking."

"Classes don't start for days!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "Just come out, meet some people, have some drinks and hang out with me. Please please please please please!!"

"Okay okay!" I laughed. "But I have nothing to wear to a party."

She squealed, grinning as she went to dig through her clothes. I sighed, flopping onto my stomach on the bed. I should have had more coffee.

Party time! What do you guys think will happen at the party? And please let me know what you think of the story, I never feel like I can update until I get feedback... Thanks!

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