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*Emma's POV *

I was on my way back to bed late on the night of the 16th, dropping my water glass when I felt a strange pain. Next thing I knew my water broke, leaving my legs and the floor soaked.

"Killian!" I called, already panicking and unsure what to do. "Killian, get out here!"

"What is it, love?" He asked, trying to wipe sleep from his eyes as he came out. "Are you alright?"

"I think you might want to put a shirt on," I said as calmly as I could. "Because we've got to go. Now."

"Why? What- oh!" His eyes widened when he saw the floor. He hurried to me, carefully picking me up out of the broken glass and drying off my legs with a towel that was on the counter. "How far apart are your contractions? Do we have time to drive or should I call the ambulance?"

"I think we can drive, they haven't started yet," I said but just as I finished I cried out with pain, clutching onto him tightly until it passed. "Okay, well this is going to be fun. You ready?"

He nodded, wrapping a blanket around me and grabbing the bag by the door as he carried me to the truck. He made me sit across his lap, leaning against the driver's side door with one arm around me as he screeched out of the driveway. I could feel him shaking, putting my hand on his cheek as we got on the highway.

"Killian," I said softly and he looked down at me, glancing between me and the road. "Its okay. I'm fine and we'll be at the hospital soon."

"I know," he nodded then smirked a little. "Aren't I supposed to be the one comforting you?"

"Yeah well," I half smiled, laying my head on his chest and holding my stomach. "You are."

He held me tighter, rubbing my side gently as he drove us to the hospital. We were taken straight to a labor room where they got me in a gown and I gave Killian his shirt I'd been wearing. He sat on the edge of the bed with me, rubbing my back in an effort to ease the pain from my contractions.

"Are you sure you don't want something for the pain?" My doctor asked as she came to check on me. "If you get much further along you won't be able to change your mind."

"I'm fine," I said through my teeth, squeezing Killian's hand as I waited for the pain to stop again. "Now that we're on that subject, how far along am I?"

"You've been at this for over twelve hours now," she said, checking my cervix as Killian kissed my forehead. "You're at eight centimeters. It won't be much longer now, just hold on a while longer."

"Kay," I nodded, leaning on his shoulder as she left. "I think our daughter is trying to kill me for not picking her name before now."

"We have it narrowed down," he smiled a bit, holding me close. "You'll know her name when you see her."

"Alright, Emma," the doctor said two hours later after checking me again. "It's time. Navy man, get behind her and support her back." He nodded and did as she said, letting me settle between his legs with my back against his chest. "Now when your next contraction comes, push as hard as you can."

Killian threaded his fingers through mine to hold my hands tightly and I swallowed hard, nodding as I felt the contraction coming. I bit my lip to keep from screaming when it hit me, squeezing my eyes shut as I pushed. After twenty minutes of almost constant pushing, she still didn't want to come out.

"I can't," I sobbed, falling back against him and looking up. "I can't. Please, you do it for me?"

"Hey, yes you can," he said sternly but gently. "You're the strongest woman I've ever known, you can do this. Just one more, okay? I don't care if you break my hands, just try one more time."

I whimpered but nodded. Another contraction hit me and I screamed, squeezing his hands and using every bit of strength I had left to push. The pain released and I fell back against him, breathing heavily as I heard the tiniest crying. Next thing I knew there was a ridiculously tiny and blood covered baby laid on my sweaty chest.

"Hey, beautiful," I said quietly and she stopped crying, opening her eyes as I put my hands on her to hold her to me. "Oh, look at you. Thanks for coming out of me."

"Here, we'll get her cleaned up," the doctor said as she took her and I panicked when she cried again. "Don't worry, I'll give her back."

"Well be careful, she's really tiny," I said, crying quietly with Killian's arms tight around me. They brought her back all wrapped up, laying her in my arms gently as she screamed. "Oh, I know, you think you've had a rough day." She went quiet again as I moved the blanket away from her face and our eyes met, hers the most beautiful bright blue. "See, it's okay. Your mommy's got you, and daddy's got both of us."

"Always," he said softly, putting his hand on her head as she started to suck on my finger with her small hand wrapped around it. "You did it. She's so beautiful."

"We did good," I smiled a little, nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck as I watched her eyes flutter closed. "She got your eyes, too."

"But she looks just like you," he said and I could hear the smile in his voice. "She's so perfect."

"Absolutely perfect," I sighed as my exhaustion overpowered me and I fell asleep with my face in his neck, his arms around me and our daughter in my arms.

*Killian's POV *

Both of them were soon fast asleep, the baby holding tight to Emma's finger as she cradled her close. Never in my life had I seen something that was so perfect or brought me more joy than the two of them sleeping in my arms. I just watched them with a small smile, tears in my eyes as I looked at my daughter and ran my fingers through Emma's hair.

*Emma's POV *

I woke up what felt like seconds later when the nurse came in to help me learn to breastfeed her. I offered to let Killian get up but he refused, apparently happy to hold me with her. I moved my hospital gown and she almost immediately latched onto me, closing her eyes again and gripping at my breast over and over.

"Wow," the nurse said with surprise. "I've never seen a baby get it so fast, you two must have bonded really quickly."

"We mostly just fell asleep," I laughed a little, just watching her as she made her quiet suckling noise. "I guess she just loves sleep as much as I do."

"Or she loves your boobs as much as I do," Killian said in my ear and I could tell he was smirking, making me blush and giggle quietly. "At least we know we won't have trouble getting her to eat."

"There's just one more thing before I leave you alone," she said, looking at my chart. "Do we have a name for this little one?"

"It's up to you, Swan," Killian said when I looked up at him. "I love both of them, so you decide which one fits her."

"Okay," I sighed, looking at her a moment longer with a small smile coming to my face as I decided. "Her name is Amelia. Amelia Rose Jones."

Sorry it took so long, I was totally stuck on her name. I might change it, but I'm not totally sure. Please let me know what you think both of the name and the chapter! Thank you so much for reading!

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