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*Killian's POV *

I hung up the phone and set it on the bedside table. I looked down at Emma as she slept, unable to keep the small smile off my face. While I was heartbroken about the baby, I couldn't help but be overjoyed that she was here and alright.

I knew my proposal was going to fall out of my mouth the same way the first I love you had. Looking at her now, I just wanted to wake her and ask before I went insane. But that would be even less romantic than accidentally asking in conversation.

I just wanted to know I'd get to live my life with her. I'd given her that promise ring over three years ago, who knew if that was still what she wanted. Not to mention the fact that we'd spent the summer apart after a guy had tried to take advantage of her at a party.

I hadn't seen Emma since she went to get another drink half an hour ago, getting worried. I finally went to look for her, finding some guy on top of her kissing her neck as he tried to get her jeans undone. She was crying and trying desperately to push him away but I was too drunk to see that.

We'd fought for hours and she'd eventually kicked me out, sobbing as she threw my things at me. I tried to go back the next day but she was gone, having left to stay with Ruby for the summer.

I'd been stupid and insecure, thinking she'd started it and that led to what she called a 'break' over the summer. She said we were still together, but she needed some space. It honestly killed me the entire time.

Now I had no idea. Sure we'd talked about kids less than three hours ago, but I continually screwed things up. What if she didn't want that with me anymore? What if she wasn't ready and my asking made her run? What if she flat out said no?

I started to cry silently as I studied her peaceful face, like it wasn't already burned into my mind. She was perfect in every way possible. She brought out a part of me I hadn't known existed until I saw her that first day, flat on her ass with her face full of embarrassment. I ended up watching her half the night, afraid that I'd wake up alone and never see her again. I wouldn't survive without her.

*Emma's POV*

I got up after he fell asleep, slipping his shirt on and going out to the living room. My mind was still reeling after the conversation I'd overheard and it was making me crazy. I grabbed some juice and wandered to the living room, sitting on the love seat with a small sigh.

I had so many questions they wouldn't even form anymore, my head becoming a jumbled mess. After a while of sitting alone in the dark, I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed all thoughts of that from my mind, deciding to go back to the relative bliss I'd had before and going back to the bedroom.

I closed the door quietly but apparently not quietly enough, since Killian jumped and sat up. He looked at me questioningly but I just pulled off his shirt I was wearing and crawled back in bed with him, pressing my lips to his gently. He hesitated a moment but soon kissed me deeply, pulling me flush against him.

When I woke again it was morning, my back against his chest and one of his hands in both of mine. His fingertips ran along almost all my bare skin, his lips leaving a trail of soft sucking kisses not far behind. I kept my eyes closed but held his hand tighter as a sleepy smile came to my face.

"I missed waking up like this," I sighed happily, feeling him smile against my skin. "Its nice."

"Aye, it is," he agreed, kissing my shoulder. "I'll never tire of waking up with you in my arms."

"Give it time," I teased him. "You'll see."

"I'll take whatever time you'll give me," he said quietly, sounding serious. "I don't want to wake up without you ever again."

"Hey," I said softly, turning a bit and putting my hand on his cheek. "I was just teasing you. I'm not going anywhere."

He nodded but still looked upset so I pulled him down to my lips. It was a soft but passionate kiss, full of so much love I thought I was going to explode. We didn't pull away for a long time but he finally leaned his forehead on mine, my eyes still closed.

"Marry me," he whispered and my eyes flew open to meet his as my breathing all but stopped and I tensed.

Wow I suck lately! Sorry I've been stuck! I'm working on it, I promise! Please let me know what you think as well, it helps...

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