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*Killian's POV*

I answered the door just as Emma picked up her phone, finding August shifting awkwardly on the porch.

"Hey," I forced a smile. "Come on in. Emma just had to take a call."

"That's fine," he nodded, stepping inside. "I'm early anyway. Did her interviews go well?"

"Not so far," I sighed quietly. "But she's got one more place to hear from, so I'm hopeful."

"Wow," he raised his eyebrows and I cocked one of mine. "You're just in a much better mood than you were an hour ago."

"Oh," I chuckled, glancing back at the kitchen and back to him as I shrugged. "I've just... got my girl."

*Emma's POV*

After a conversation with Stephanie I all but ran into the living room, squealing as I ignored the guy at the door and throwing my arms around Killian's neck. He laughed, hugging me tightly as I squeezed him with excitement. He pulled away, looking at me with confusion when he saw tears in my eyes.

"She called," I grinned at him, my hands on his shoulders as practically bounced on my toes. "You are now engaged to a legitimate young adult novelist with a publisher and everything."

"That's amazing, love!" he hugged me again. "I'm so so proud of you!"

I couldn't keep the smile off my face, nearly squealing again until his lips touched mine. He held me against him firmly, clearly having forgotten our company as well and kissing me passionately. I moaned quietly, gripping his shirt and pressing myself into him as I kissed him back. His hand was just starting to slide under my shirt when someone cleared their throat, making us both jump and our lips separate noisily.

"I can come back," August said awkwardly. "You two obviously have celebrating to do, I wouldn't want to intrude."

"Sorry, mate," Killian apologized with a smirk, keeping me against him as I blushed. "Forgot you were there. Come on and have a seat."

"I brought wine," he offered a few bottles as he sat in one of the chairs. "I wasn't sure what kind you'd like."

"Oh, thank you," I smiled a bit awkwardly, setting them on the coffee table and going to get glasses and the opener. "We're not picky. Though I haven't gotten a chance to make dinner yet."

"Don't worry about it," he assured me as I handed each of them a glass and sat down with mine, Killian wrapping his arm around me. I smiled a bit at him, leaning into his side. "I'm not picky either."

"Why don't we just order something?" Killian suggested, not seeming to notice August's uncomfortable shifting at our show of affection. "I think we all had a long day, it couldn't hurt to just relax for the night."

"I can have Ruby pick it up," I offered, looking up at him. "She was supposed to come over tonight anyway, I'm sure she won't mind."

"Sounds good," he smiled, kissing me softly before handing me my phone and looking at August. I dialed, feeling his fingers running through my hair repeatedly as he talked. "So, how are you liking the docks so far?"

"What?" he looked up from where Killian and I were playing with each other's fingers in his lap. "Oh, it's not bad. Faster paced than I expected."

"You get used to it," he half smiled, making me giggle as he caught my fingers between his. "Most of the guys are pretty cool, too, so that makes the day go faster sometimes."

"Does it?" he asked, not seeming to believe that. "It seems like the days drag pretty long there."

"Well," he shrugged, looking down at me as I hung up the phone. "I'll admit having someone to come home to every night does help."

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