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They were sitting on the damp grass in the lawn, waiting for Colton and Lily to arrive. They were just enjoying the quiet between them, well, most likely Elis tried to get used with Zach's presence and Zach was just trying to find the words to make her comfortable with him. It wasn't particularly enjoyable silence, but they'll eventually learn to get use to it.

"Well, you told me you dreamt about me... What did you dream about?" Elis asked, folding her legs and leaned back, supporting her weight with her hands. The hues of red and orange started to paint the sky as time gradually melt into darkness.

"Uhm... Let's see..." Zach rested his arms on his knee, clasping his hands together. He looked up to the sky, pondering for awhile.

That fleeting moment, the atmosphere felt peaceful and somehow Elis felt glad.

"I was at the ocean, hunting for a whale. We were searching for a few months, and then this one white whale, the most beautiful one I have ever seen swam underneath the ship. The huge ship shook vigorously we were worried it might rolled of. After a few moments, we saw a pod of whales cutting through underwater at a stone thrown away. If you can imagine the Moby Dick story, I mean, The Heart of the Sea, that movie, it was something like that you know? Except, I realised after I woke up, that beautiful whale was you. It has the same eyes the way they looked at me. I was enchanted and it felt other worldly. It was odd yet intoxicating. I really love that one." He finished with a breathless chuckle.

Elis smiled with him, finding him endearing. The way his hands flailed trying to explain how he was mesmerized, and the way he tried to give her the picture of his dream. Luckily she could imagine it because she watched the movie with her mom already. Elis loved the colossal white whale, it was a beauty and powerful. She loved that story to be honest and knowing he appreciate that movie was something Elis treasured in silence. If that one was a memory, then it wasn't really bad. Even though Elis was the whale, she didn't really mind it. It's much more better to be a whale than breathing in this body. A soul can be in any form, but a body will always be a shell to contain the soul.

"Do you get it? It sounds weird isn't it?" He peered into Elis, his smile turned soft.

Elis shook his head. "Well, it is pretty awesome. I like that idea. I mean, it's quite a wonderful one at that. Did you watch it before you dreamt about it?" She questioned, observing the leaves dancing with elegance when the wind blew ever so softly.

"I didn't watch the movie yet at the time. I think it was a month before it's premier. I was surprised and stunned when I watched to movie. I immediately thought of you in the scene where they were like, exchange glances with the whale. I was literally numb after the movie I could barely speak." He palmed his nape and rubbing it slowly. His eyes were lost in memories and he spoke with thought filled him full.

When Elis glanced to him, his eyes weren't empty, but full with thoughts he kept all to himself. Something like he has so many things to say but didn't know how to. And Elis found herself wanting to know that part of him. Elis smiled a small smile, breathing in the air around her.

"Ah," Zach pushing himself from the ground to stand up. "...they're here."

"Hey! Woa Zach, I think you need another shirt!" Colton called out right after he got out of the car. He was very boisterous with his laugh. Elis took Zach's hand and got up. She brushed off the dirt and grass and walked towards her friends. 

"You watch your mouth you dickhead. Eh, Lily, you changed your hair colour." Elis commented, taking Lily's bag. 

Lily glanced towards Elis with her skeptical look, then she shrugged. "I found myself having too  much time in my hands and too much dye in my collections."

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