Dead Grand Prix

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"You've stopped me twice now. At this rate, my name will mean dirt." Racer growled.

"Oh, is that so?" Me and Gray synced. My grip on my weapons tightening.

"If i felt like it, it wouldn't be any problem to catch up with those brats." Racer boasted suddenly appearing behind us. My head immediately turning in his direction.

"But I won't feel satisfied until you're history." He said appearing somewhere else my head changing direction to where he was.

"I'll have plenty of time to catch up afterwards." Racer appeared behind us again.

"I don't think so, buddy!" Gray growled attacking him with icicles appearing from the ground while i threw my large shuriken at him.

"Too slow!" Racer yelled Kicking us both.

"Slow, slow, slow!"

"Damn it i can't follow him with my eyes!" Gray said angrily. 

"Mhm" I nodded in agreement pepared for any attacks. Suddenly I felt my body get knocked to the floor Gray next to me.

"Even if you're a girl and you used up your magic power making this ice wall, I hope you don't expect me to go easy on you two."

"Say that again asshole!" I yelled from the ground. 

"Come at me as fast as you can! Dead Grand Prix start your engines!" Racer yelled. The familiar revving of motorcycles filled my ears.

"What kind of noise is this?" Gray asked aloud. 

"No doubt about it, those are motorcycle engines revving preparing to take off."  I replied. In an instant the sound of the motorcycles started to get closer and closer until they where flying right towards us.

"Magic Motorcycles!" Gray yelled shocked. Immediately we started running around doing our best to dodge the motorcycles heading towards us.

"The motor show from hell!" Racer yelled crashing into us on his very own motorcycle.

"You expect me to ride one of these things?!" Gray yelled. Meanwhile I quickly summoned mine and began riding.

"Well your girlfriend seems to have no problem with that. Besides these machines are made to match my own speed. Slowpokes can't handle 'em." Racer smirked leaving.

"Im not his/her girlfriend/boyfriend!" Gray and I yelled at the same time. 

'I wish I was...' I felt a blush rise up to my cheeks at my thoughts.

"Tch." I growled following Racer.

"This bucking bronco is mine!" Gray yelled excitedly making me smile.

"Thanks for equipping them with S.E plugs!" He added. I smiled speeding up trying to catch up to Racer.

"Here I go!" Gray yelled also catching up.

"That sounds fun! You're challenging me to a race?!"

"There ain't any rules! so you'd better be prepared!" Gray smirked making his motorcycle go faster. All you could hear is the sound of the engines and our motorcycles crashing as for the view the dust risen up due to our impacts made a bit hard to see, but it doesn't affect us that much.

"Oh! You've got some nice style for being a goody-two-shoes from an official guild same goes for the girl!" Racer praised.

"Don't underestimate Fairy Tail!" Gray yelled nodding at me to attack. I summoned my shuriken once again and threw both of them temporarily letting go of both the motorcycle's handle meanwhile Gray attacked with his Ice Lances. Both attacks nearly hitting him.

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