Double update yeh . Also prepare yourselves plot twist coming up. If you wanna try to guess it theres a hint in the little border I used for this chapter.
"Gray... We're going to follow her aren't we?" I asked looking up at him.
"Yeah." He nodded.
"Alright..." I sighed running of in the direction she went in Gray was right behind me looking lost in thought. When we got there Ultear was about to stab a sword through Juvia's throat.
"Not today!" I exclaimed running towards her at full speed. Just as I was in front of her I slid on my knees and grabbed Juvia.
'Awww she looks so much better quiet like this.' I cooed mentally. Ultear gasped and turned her head to where I was and to where Gray was.
"Gray!" A girl with pink hair who was now carrying Zeref exclaimed.
"I thought as much." Gray sighed.
"Oh i'm surprised! When did you catch on?" Ultear smirked.
"I never believed a damn thing you said!" Gray growled.
"I see. So, you pretend to believe me in order to find out my true aim. You naughty boy." Ultear smirked.
"Ive decided to never use that magic again! No matter what Ul wanted! I have my own will! I'm going to continue living, along with Blade and my friends!" Gray exclaimed making me blush a bit. I nodded my head remembering we were on a battlefield. Since my arms started to tire I put Juvia down slowly.
"Honestly I didn't want to fight you." Ultear laughed humorlessly.
"Bring it on!" Gray yelled punching Ultear in the guts.
'Ouch!' i flinched inwardly.
"I AM THE HEAD OF THE 7 KIN OF PURGATORY, ULTEAR!" Ultear screamed getting up.
"Bring it on, rotten daughter! I'll teach you a lesson in your mothers place!" Gray growled punching her again.
"Ultear!" The pink haired girl screamed worried.
"Don't worry about me! Hurry and take Zeref to the evacuation area." Ultear ordered.
"Juvia! wake up!" I shook the blunette's shoulders but she just laid there unconscious.
"Gray you try!" I yelled knowing damn well she'll practically fly.
"JUVIA WAKE UP!" Gray ordered.
"Gray-Sama's voice!" Juvia instantly shot up.
"Ah, to be awakened by Gray-sama's voice." Juvia started to space off her eyes in the shape of hearts.
"Hey!" I shook her.
"Juvia, Blade chase them! Don't let them have Zeref!" Gray pointed towards the pink haired girl.
"Don't have to tell me twice!" I stood up
"As you wish!" Juvia exclaimed cheerly jumping up but instantly falling down.
"My... leg!" She groaned.
"Juvia!" Gray urged.
"Understood!" She nodded. I was about to help her by carrying her but she began to crawl.
"If it's your order, Gray-sama..."
"PAIN MEANS NOTHING!" Juvia smiled creepily crawling towards the girl.
"Will you be okay?" I asked Gray before I ran off.
"Yeah you jus go ahead and help Juvia." He nodded.
"Alright." I nodded chasing after the crazy woman that was crawling on the floor like a creature from a movie.
"Juvia he only said to get Zeref from the girl, not scare the living hell out of her!" I chased. Once I caught up I picked her up and let her lean on my shoulder as we ran after the pink haired girl.
"Wait... right... there!" I panted. Juvia's pretty heavy for someone with her body shape.
"Hand Zeref over!" Juvia ordered not sounding tired at all.
"What about the 'Love' or whatever you talking about?" The little girl asked still running.
"We... don't want... to fight you!" I exclaimed. The girl stopped running when a yellow flash appeared in front of us.
"Meldy." The guy called out.
"Zancrow!" She exclaimed in shock.
"Where are you taking Zeref, huh?" The guy asked.
"I-I'm..." Meldy was immediately cut off by the guy.
"So you and Ultear-san are gonna betray us after all?" Zancrow asked.
"N-No!" She defended.
"You ain't a member of Grimore Heart any more!" Zancrow roared black flames hitting us and throwing us all back.
"HAHAHAHA ZEREF WILL BE OURS!" He laughed walking over to the still unconscious Zeref.
"Wait... Zeref is Ultear's future! My... Future..." Melody cried.
"Naive fool! How long are you gonna keep saying that?" Zancrow laughed picking up Zeref by the the back of his outfit.
"Ultear promised me... If she went to the World of Great Magic, she'd turn my town back to normal!" Meldy cried.
"Your town? Oh yeah... Hikaru and I were there back then, too. Ultear-san promised? Except that it was Ultear-san who destroyed the town herself!" Zancrow laughed.
"You're... lying." Meldy whimpered.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Zancrow laughed like a witch.
"Acnologia." Zeref suddenly whispered. He looked up at Zancrow before somehow killing him. I looked around and saw that Juvia and the girl Meldy were nocked out cold.
"I am sorry, man whose name I do not know. I have burdened my self once again with darkness." He whispered closing Zancrow's eyes.
"Thank goodness... you three seem safe." His eyes skimmed over the two of them until his eyes landed on me.
'Crap! i should've laid down, but I can't move my body's frozen. Fear is pulsing throughout my whole body.' All I can do is sit and stare at him. At the sight of me his eyes seemed to soften a bit. He smiled at me and began walking straight towards me.
'Move! Move!' I urged my body but I just stayed in place.
"You know..." He began to crouch down once he was right in front of me.
"I really missed you... little sister." He hugged me. I just sat there while a guy I barley know hugged me I couldn't muster up any words. I was awe struck.
"W-Who? H-how?" I uttered out weakly.
"You'll find out soon enough..." He snuggled closer to me. I sat there for a while more not knowing what to do. Suddenly Zeref let go of me and doubled over holding his head.
"GET AWAY FROM HERE!" He suddenly screamed.
"NOW!" He yelled. Black smoke started to emit from his body before it turned into a ball and fanned out. It was coming right at me like a wave of darkness. The second it hit me I was engulfed in darkness.
Ohhhhh Snap. And to those manga readers Yes it does mean what you think it means and the backstory of this will be revealed after the whole disband arc for those who are wondering.

Gray Fullbuster (Gray X OC)
Fanfiction#1 in the Gray Fullbuster tag August 13 ♡ Gray x OC I was just bored and I like fairy tail so I made this. This is based off the anime and more on forward it will be based off the manga. This Oc is Lucy's sister and they ran away from home and th...