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Fun fact: Contrary to peoples beliefs Gray's body isn't cold actually he's pretty warm supposedly. Also has anyone seen the trailer for the new Fairy Tail Movie?!?!? I swear my heart was beating like crazy when I watched it!

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Deciding not to let Natsu win this battle alone we headed towards our respective direction traveling by foot.

"We'll reach Hargeon tomorrow." Erza announced as she sat down munching on an apple.

"Our top priority today is to rest for what's to come." She added.

"Got it!" Wendy nodded with a smile.

"That goes double for you Erza. Nursing you back to health rests solely on Wendy's shoulders, after all." Carla spoke up.

"Gray-sama! Juvia had a feeling that there would be an occasion for it, so... I prepared a sleeping bag for two!" The blue haired woman exclaimed happily pulling up a heart shaped sleeping back. I raised my eyebrow at the act but decided to just let her be as I enjoyed the sight of nature and music for possibly the last time for a long while.

"I dont wanna! Its too hot!... besides..." His voice trailed off, I felt his eyes scan me over but I just stared at the beautiful colors of the setting sun.

"That reminds me, what happened to Laxus?" Wendy asked.

"He said 'Man I'm starved'! And ran off somewhere. It was kind weird." Carla shrugged.

"He's the kinda guy who would capture a bear or something for dinner... I bet he's sinking his teeth into it as we speak..." Gray retorted.

"Are bears delicious?" Erza asked suddenly sounding hungry.

"Erza, you're drooling..." Wendy sweatdropped.


I stayed in the tree watching over as everyone slept peacefully enjoying the peace and quiet. With a small sigh I looked up and saw the full moon straight above us.

"Cant sleep?" A voice asked nearly making me jump.

"Y-Yeah..." I mumbled.

"How come?" Gray asked jumping up on the large branch I was resting on.

"Not really sure." I mumbled leaning on his shoulder.

"Hmmm..." He pulled my legs on to his and cuddled me up, almost immediately I could feel the toll of sleep already hit me. Gray's steady heartbeat slowly lulled me into a deep sleep.


The second we woke up the next day we packed up and headed to battle

"Lyon we're busting in through the front lines!" Gray exclaimed as we ran through.

"Gray!" He yelled in shock.

"Let's take them all out in one go!" I yelled.

"But why are you all here now?" Lyon gasped.

"This has been our fight from the start! For purposefully sticking your noses in our guild's troublesome affairs, you lot have my sincerest thanks!" Erza spoke up.

"Erza!" Kagura added in shock.

"Follow my lead." She ordered.

"I shall." Kagura nodded.

We all went ahead and spilt up for battles, suddenly  lighting struck in-between some buildings.

"Lighting?!" Lyon gasped.

Gray Fullbuster (Gray X OC)Where stories live. Discover now