(edited) Editing will most likely stop here cause it's more recent
Decided to just start the arcs
"This feels great!" Lucy stretched sinking into the water.
"You're telling me." I murmured into the water sinking in a bit deeper.
"Now that we have this, I won't feel like going out on jobs anymore!" Cana laughed.
"We've been flooded with requests since the Grand Magic Games." Lissana commented.
"Sheesh. I'm so busy, i'm dizzy." Mirajane laughed as she massaged her scalp.
"You need to take some time off once in a while before your body gives out." Levy smiled.
"Huh? didn't you have a job to do today, Levy-chan?" Lucy turned to the blue haired girl.
"I don't know why, but Jet and Droy said they would handle it. They seemed excited." Levy replied.
"Come to think of it, Natsu and Gray are on a job together, which is unusual." Lucy pointed out.
"Those two? That is unusual..." Lissana nodded.
"Recently, it seems they've become buddies." Mirajane added.
"But it's still odd for just the two of them to go out." I added looking around at the random things in the room.
"Although Happy is probably with them, too." Lucy shrugged.
"By the way, Lucy..." Cana suddenly began.
"What?" Lucy asked softly.
"Is it true that Natsu fondled your boobs?" Cana asked.
"Ehhhhh..." Lucy stared wide-eyed.
"Oh, dear!" Mirajane smiled.
"I know everything..." Cana smirked inching closer to Lucy.
"N-No! He suddenly..." Lucy tried to explain but Cana cut her off.
"I don't care about that. Here let's re-enact what happened." Cana neared Lucy.
"Hey! What are you...? Cana!" Lucy screamed as the brunette groped her.
"Like this?" Cana smirked.
"That tickles!" Lucy screamed.
"Again with the boobs..." Levy sighed.
"Where's Wendy? She doesn't go for that, either..." She then added.
"Wendy is out on a job with Erza." Mirajane replied.
"Also just the two of them? That's unusual." Levy then added.
"I guess the reward was extremely rare sweets or something, so they both had stars in their eyes." Mirajane explained.
"Huh? But Erza's right over there..." Lissana pointed to the red head.
"Huh? Your right." Levy nodded. I looked in the direction of the red-head getting a weird vibe from her. The girl stood up and turned to Lucy.
"Blondie..." She smiled.
"Flare from Raven Tail?!" We gawked.
"What are you doing here?!" Levy gasped.
"You..." Cana growled.
"Wait a second!" Lucy stopped her.
"What are you doing, Lucy?! She's..."

Gray Fullbuster (Gray X OC)
Fiksi Penggemar#1 in the Gray Fullbuster tag August 13 ♡ Gray x OC I was just bored and I like fairy tail so I made this. This is based off the anime and more on forward it will be based off the manga. This Oc is Lucy's sister and they ran away from home and th...