Here Comes Kemokemo Pt.2

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So more fillers yes or no?


"I'm not putting this on!" I yelled through the door.

"Don't make us come in there!" Lucy threatened.

"You and what army!" I countered but immediately regretted it.

"What army...?" Erza bursted through the door.

"Eeeek!" I yelled as Erza slammed the door.

"Let's begin shall we?" she smirked.

"No, No No, nO! Get away from me!" I screamed as she somehow put the dress on me and do my hair.

"HOW DARE YOU!" I yelled as she pinned up my bangs revealing both my eyes.

"Done!" She walked out dragging me by my fore arm. I looked up to see nearly everyone staring at me in shock. When I say nearly that means Lucy was pretty much the only one not fazed.

"Wow! You have such nice eyes!" Eve ran up to me.

"Errr... Thanks." I smiled embarrassed.

"Look! They're changing color!" He added making Hibiki and Ren run up to me to check out the 'phenomenon'. From the corner of my eye I could see Gray glare at them as he and Natsu entered one of the changing rooms.

"Men..." Ichia gasped.

"It's not like they're that impressive." Ren looked away with a small blush dusting his cheeks.


"They seem to change according to your mood. So how are you feeling now?" Hibiki asked softly holding my chin so we don't break eye contact. The other two men standing behind him practically twinkling.

"More turned off than ever." I replied bluntly making their faces go blank. I let out a small sigh and walked up to Erza and Lucy.

"So this is what they mean by beautiful parfum. And this is why I selected them myself." Ichia nodded staring at us.

"You're a genious, sensei!" Hibiki praised recomposing himself.



"...Nice choice!" 

"Nice scent!"

"Nice, nice, nice!" The trio clapped.

"Men..." Ichia winked. We got cut off by the sound of a curtain opening.

"Natsu!" Lucy blushed staring at the pink haired idiot who was dressed in suit. I everted my gaze and looked at Gray.

'Nice...' I inwardly nodded.

"Hey, that's like putting clothes on a packhorse!" Gray laughed at Natsu.

"Shut up!" Natsu countered.

"Look down." Erza commanded. Gray looked down to find out that he forgot to put on his pants.

"And now, to work! Please attend to the customers, i.e. the clients, in the lounge!" Ichia sparkled.

"I figured that's what it was." Lucy sighed.

"Okay! Let's steel ourselves for it and go! Yeah!" She added.

"Right!" Erza nodded. They led us to lounge and we each sat at a different table. Soon enough random people started to sit with me and try to  flirt. Out of the corner of my eye I would see girls talking to Gray but he only ignored them and glared at the guys at my table intently.

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