It is Your Words

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I want tacos

 ❄G.F ❄G.F ❄G.F ❄G.F ❄G.F ❄G.F ❄G.F ❄

"Stop it? but we don't know how to stop it." Happy declared.

"Like breaking it?" Natsu asked.

"Yup figures you'd think like that." Lucy sweat dropped.

"How do you plan on breaking something this huge?!" Gray asked.

"It would be faster to ask Brain." Jura suggested.

"Will he tell us just like that, I wonder?" Carla questioned. We should just have Gray and Natsu fight considering when they do they usually end up destroying something. I was cut off from my thoughts when I heard Wendy mumble something.

"Did you say something?" I asked facing her.

"Is something the matter?" Gray added.

"No it's nothing." She mumbled looking away shyly.

"I think I might be on to something. I want to check it out." She then added running away through the entrance we came through.

"Wendy, wait!" Carla exclaimed chasing after Wendy.

"Hey!" Gray exclaimed trying to catch their attention, but they where long gone by then.

"What's with her?" Lucy asked aloud.

"Everyone, can you hear me?" A somewhat familiar voice asked.

"It is me Hot-Eye." 

"Mass telepathy?" Lucy asked.

"Who is it?" Natsu asked.

"It is Richard-dono! You are unharmed?" Jura asked.

"Unfortunately, I am injured. I was no match for Midnight, as I feared. Everyone, please work together to defeat Midnight. If you defeat him Nirvana's supply of magical power will be cut off, and the city should come to a halt." Hot-Eye or well Richard explained.

"Who is it?" Natsu asked once again.

"So, it moves using body link magic?" I asked.

"He is directly below the King's Summit. Be careful he is very powerful!" Richard warned us.

"Directly below us?" Lucy asked.

"Okay! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!" Gray exclaimed happily.

"Powerful huh? I'm getting fired up!" Natsu smirked.

"Natsu, it's to stop this thing remember?" Happy sweat dropped.

"Right. Let's go!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Of the six prayers only one is left. I believe in everyone. You will surely win and be able to stop Nirvana. Please." Richard begged before letting out a wheeze and cutting off the telepathy. Right after that we began running down through the exit we first came through at this point I was running alongside considering my leg somehow managed to heal quickly. Although it still gives me slight pain but i'll run it off.

"There?" Natsu asked pointing at the door straight ahead.

"Okay!" He yelled kicking the door a few times before actually trying to open it like a normal person would.

"Show yourself you drowsy bastard." He growled tugging at the doors. When Natsu opened the doors a bright light began to emit from the outside.

"IT'S A TRAP!" Jura screamed before the light turned into an explosion. 

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