Oh god I think this is where i'll have to write 'THAT" scene.
"JUVIA!" A voice yelled as the attacks from the dragon stopped.
"Meldy!" Juvia exclaimed.
"Have you seen Ul? I got separated from her!" The girl panicked.
"I haven't seen her, but..." Juvia was cut off by a dragon shooting out an attack.
"LOOK OUT!" Gray tackled them out of the way.
"DON'T LOOSE FOCUS!" I yelled.
"THIS IS A BATTLEGROUND!" Lyon added as he was freezing a dragon.
"Sorry!" Meldy nodded. I noticed a dragon appearing to the left and ran over to that side changing the pistols into a scythe.
"Take this!" I yelled slicing it in half.
"JUVIA!" Lyon suddenly yelled catching my attention. I turned back to see Gray push Juvia out of the way only to get hit by one of the dragons attack.
It happened so fast, almost in the blink of an eye. Only one pierced him first but then many more went through him continuously until the last one shot the fatal blow through his head. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out I was just frozen in place until something in me finally snapped.
"GRAY!!!" I yelled in horror at the top of my lungs. I took back control of my legs and ran over to his body stumbling over my own feet. Reaching him I fell to my knees and slowly lifted his head up. Lyon, Meldy, and Juvia all stared in horror at him.
"W-why did this happen...? Why him?" I stared wide eyed tears forming at the corners of my eyes.
"CHERIA! WHERE ARE YOU?" Lyon started to yell.
"CHERIA! CHERIA! Cheria... we need... your healing magic...Please Gray's been..." I cut the sobbing Lyon off.
"There's nothing we can do... The second it went right through his head he died." Cheria frowned.
'Why Gray?' I asked myself letting the tears flowing down my face.
☾Time Rewind 1 minute earlier☽
"LOOK OUT!" Gray yelled tackling Meldy and Juvia out of the way of an attack.
"DON'T LOSE FOCUS!" I yelled.
"THIS IS A BATTLEGROUND!" Lyon added as he was freezing a dragon.
"Sorry!" Meldy nodded.
"Juvia." Gray said but suddenly paused. I blinked confused at the vision i just got in my head. It was of Gray getting shot by one of those small dragons.
"What was that just now?" Lyon asked.
"I'm gonna be killed?" Gray frowned.
"A dream?" Meldy added.
"Juvia, saw it too." The blunette nodded.
""I... did too." I responded.
"What the hell? Suddenly getting a vision of my death is just too creepy!" Gray shuddered.
"The little dragons appear from over there.." We turn to where Meldy points to find a group of dragons ready to shoot at us.
"They really did show up!" Lyon exclaims shocked.
"What the hell is going on here?!" Gray exclaimed suspending the dragons in ice. We were about to continue destroying the dragons when I remembered one I thought to have seen in the vision like memory, but when I turned I saw it was ready to shoot at us more specifically... Me.
"BLADE-SAN! LOOK OUT!" I felt a male body tackle me just when the dragon shot.
"Are you alright?!" Lyon asked hoisting himself up so he wasn't completely laying on top of me.
"Y-yeah Thanks." I nodded as he helped me up.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Gray asked sounding a bit jealous.
"Yeah, i'm sure." I nodded dusting myself off. In the middle of the battle we noticed the dragons suddenly began to glow a lively yellow before disappearing.
"Did we do it?" Lyon asked.
"It looks like it." I nodded.
"WE DID IT!" Juvia and Meldy hugged each other.
'Did what? Lyon, Gray and I did most of the work.' I sweat-dropped inwardly but I let a small smile of victory decorate my face.
~Several Days after the Grand Magic Games~
I looked around looking at all the guilds who were interacting with each other some were talking, others drinking and eating, and a few were even dancing. Then there's me standing in a corner alone fidgeting in my dress while drinking what I hope isn't an alcoholic beverage. I still feel embarrassed at the stunt Natsu pulled by dressing up as the king but i'm slowly getting over it. I continued looking around interested in what everyone else was doing.
"May I have this dance?" I looked up to see Rouge from Sabertooth holding his hand out for me with a motivational Sting behind him giving him a thumbs up.
"Uhm, sure." I nodded hesitantly placing my hand in his.
"Sorry if I dance horribly." He blushed pulling me to the dance floor.
"It's alright. I'll be here to help you." I smiled reassuringly. Rouge and I danced for a bit getting to know each other until things went downhill.
"Sorry to... cut in!" Gray hip bumped Rouge away and took hold of my hands.
"Gray?!" I stared in shock.
"What?" He mumbled avoiding my gaze. Before I could answer he was replaced by Rouge.
"Oh hey Rouge!" I gave the male a close eyed smile, but once I opened my eyes he was replaced by Gray again.
☆Lucy's P.O.V☆
"Poor blade." I whispered laughing at the confused girl with each partner change she looked even more confused.
"Caught in a love triangle." I whispered suddenly getting an idea for what possibly could be my next story.
♫ Blade's P.O.V♫
I don't know how many times I switched between the two males but it sure as heck was confusing. We must've gone through three songs with this third song slowly reaching it's end. As I continued dancing with Rouge the third song finally ended and Gray once again took over, grabbing my hands he placed them around his neck and placed his arms on my waist. Blushing I stuffed my face into his chest and saw Rouge stomp away from the corner of my eye with Sting comforting him.
"Gray..." I blushed as he pulled me even closer to him making my head rest on his chest.
"Hm?" He hummed.
"You were so jealous." I pulled my head away smirking at him.
"N-no I wasn't!" He looked away.
"Yeah... Sure you weren't." I rolled my eyes.
"I wasn't." He mumbled making me giggle.
I've had the dancing Idea stuck in my head for ever and I finally get to write it down! *Content sigh*

Gray Fullbuster (Gray X OC)
Fanfiction#1 in the Gray Fullbuster tag August 13 ♡ Gray x OC I was just bored and I like fairy tail so I made this. This is based off the anime and more on forward it will be based off the manga. This Oc is Lucy's sister and they ran away from home and th...