I'm so freaking shook guys the Fairy Tail ending is just... omfg we didn't get any NaLu T~T but I hope Mashima decides to make some shorts or something cause I need dat NaLu in my life! *Listens to Snow Fairy on repeat while crying*
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"Lucy!!" Gray exclaimed as she began sweating.
"What is happening with her body..." Happy whispered.
"Ah!" Lucy suddenly crouched over in pain.
"Hang on!" I touched her for consolation but only ended up retracting my arm.
"Hot!" I cried as her body temperature was abnormal high.
"It's hot... Something inside my body... uh...." She groaned out.
"Natsu's flame..." Happy whispered.
"Is it a demonic flame?" Gray asked.
"But this is a clue... uh... ah... fu... Maybe this magic power can..."
"Rewrite the demon inside Natsu. But Lucy, you." Happy frowned.
"I'm fine." She muttered. Slowly Gray started cooling down the area around us.
"It's cold." Lucy mumbled as Happy and I shivered slightly.
"Let's go save Natsu." Gray stated determination clear in his voice.
"Yeah." Lucy nodded. Taking out her pen she began to write once more. Lucy kept on writing until suddenly the words began returning into the book.
"The book is..." she frowned.
"What's going on?!" I exclaimed.
"The words are returning into the book." Happy pointed out.
"I've done everything I could. I've written down all of our memories. Natsu... The Natsu that we all know..." She sighed closing the book.
"He isn't a demon or anything." Happy frowned.
"Lucy!!" I exclaimed as the blonde suddenly collapsed on to me.
"I had a feeling that tampering with the demon book would be Dangerous... So for this kind of occasion, this powerful to destroy demons... Will finish it of." Gray grabbed Lucy's arm, it glowed at the places he was holding before fading away.
"Are you alright?" I asked as she suddenly woke up with a gasp.
"Thank you Gray." She smiled.
"The pattern on your body dissapeared..." Happy pointed out.
"Look." I motioned towards the book.
"The book is disappearing." Lucy smiled softly.
"Zeref's been defeated." Gray smiled while Lucy pulled Happy into a hug. Sitting in silence we heard a set of footsteps heading towards us.
"Yo." Natsu grinned waving at us.
"NATSUUUUU!!!" Happy immediately flew to the pink haired idiot.
"It's over." He smiled.
"Yeah." Gray and I nodded.
"That's our Natsu." Lucy wiped away the tears threatening to spill.
"UAHHHHH!! NATSUUU!" Happy sobbed.
"Uwah! How dirty!! You're getting snot all over me, Happy!" Natsu laughed.
"It's not dirty! The juices of being deeply moved can't be dirty." Happy cried.
"No, it's disgusting." He pushed the blue cat away.
"Natsu~" Happy cooed.
"You know... The first probably passed away." Natsu suddenly turned serious.
"The first..." Lucy trailed off.
"But it doesn't feel like we should be gloomy about it." Gray pointed out.
"I'm not really sure how to put it, but I think this is what the first wanted." I shrugged.
"I see..." Gray nodded.
"So then we should smile and grandly return to the guild!!" Natsu grinned.
"AYE!" Happy cried as we all agreed and began to walk towards the guild.
"Your right arm is seriously injured." Happy pointed out to Natsu.
"I burned up just a bit too much... It'll be fine once Wendy fixes it up later." He shrugged with a smiled.
"I can see the guild from here." Gray motioned.
"Even though I just saw it a bit ago, it feels really nostalgic." Natsu sighed.
"It's finally over." Lucy smiled while I agreed with a nod.
"I'm gonna want to just stay in my room for a while cuddled up with a good book." I sighed picturing myself enveloped in warm blankets. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Gray looking at me a bit guilty.
'I hope he finally realizes why i'm mad at him.' I frowned slightly
"I want to read the books I need to read and write that manuscript I need to write." Lucy smiled.
"Once it calms down, I'll want to go on another adventure." She then added on.
"That'd be nice." I smiled.
"I wanna go too!" Happy jumped in.
"An adventure to find Aquarius' key!" She exclaimed happily.
'Aye! I love fish!" Happy Jumped up.
"Huh? She only half fish y'know!!" Gray retorted.
"A mermaid." Lucy pointed out.
"Speaking of which, do you have anything you want to do once this battle is over..." Lucy turned to Happy.
"Aye! Shall we announce it Natsu!" We all turned to look at the male but he wasn't there.
"Natsu?" Happy questioned.
"Huh? Natsu... Where did you..." Happy began to fly around looking for the said male.
"Hey... Stop playing dumb pranks..." Gray growled.
"Why... Even though we rewrote it.... WHY!!!!" Lucy fell on her knees crying.
"Natsu? Where..." Happy searched frantically.
"I don't believe it." Gray whispered. I felt tears swell up in my eyes.
'How? Why?' I asked myself as I let the tears stream down my face.
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This is interestingly short hmmmm....

Gray Fullbuster (Gray X OC)
Fanfiction#1 in the Gray Fullbuster tag August 13 ♡ Gray x OC I was just bored and I like fairy tail so I made this. This is based off the anime and more on forward it will be based off the manga. This Oc is Lucy's sister and they ran away from home and th...