Drop Of Time!

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Anyone else hear about the Ultimate Captain America Marathon? No? 


~Next Day~

"Everyone!" Wendy called out from outside.

"I got our ride home!" She smiled pointing to a long carriage separated into three rooms waiting for us outside.

"And it's cheap!" Carla smiled butting in.

"That's some fancy carriage." Erza nodded petting one of the horses.

"The Garou nights arranged it." Wendy nodded.

"I CALL THE BACK SECTION!" I called out raising my arm in a claiming matter.

"We're gonna... ride in that?" Natsu gulped already sweating.

"This'll be a hellish journey for you Natsu." Lucy smiled.

"It okay! Wendy has anti-motion sickness magic!" Happy yelled almost immediately cheering the pinkette up.

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that!" He smiled.

"Sorry, but i'm counting on you, Wendy!" Natsu yelled making the poor girl tense up.

"Actually... I'm sorry... I used so much magic these past few days, it looks like it'll take a while before i'm all charged up again." Wendy cried.

"Don't worry about it." Natsu choked out turning pale.

"Jeez, you're pathetic! Walk home on your own two feet!" Gray laughed.

"It's all in the way you look at it, Natsu." Erza lectured.

"Instead of relying on other people all the time, why not work it out yourself." Carla scoffed.

"You don't need to tell me what I was gonna do anyway!" Natsu yelled.


"So in the end, this is what happens?" Gray sighed as Natsu gagged.

"Don't get near me!" He then yelled as Natsu made a puking sound. 

"Don't worry!" I laugh as Gray opens the door and walks in to the room at the back which I claimed leaving Natsu, Happy and Lucy alone.

"His will lacks discipline!" Erza frowned from the room all the way at the front.

"BYE-BYE, CROCUS!" Happy yelled as we were going over a hill. After a while we stopped at a beautiful field to take a rest and stretch out a bit.

"I'm still wobbly." Natsu groaned laying face up on top of a rock starfish style.

"What you are is a mess." Gray stated plainly.

"What do you expect?! I can't stand that rattling ride!" Natsu whined.

"The terrain is rough." Happy nods.

"You'll just have to suck it up for a while." Lucy smiled concentrated on making a flower crown.

"Another half day, and I think i'll have regenerated a bit more magic." Wendy added also working on a flower crown.

"When you do, i'm countin' on you for that anti-motion sickness magic." Natsu sighed.

"Right!" Wendy nodded.

"Hey, Blade do you think you can try to get us some nicer flowers?" Lucy turned to me pausing her work for a second.

"I'll see what I can do." I stood up stretching.

"Ok!" She smiled.

"I'll be back in a sec!" I called out flying to the nearby field full of flowers.

"Let's see nice flowers, nice flowers... Ah! Nice flowers!' I yelled going to a section of the field with the nicest flowers I started to fly in large circles to create a tornado of flowers and a bit of dirt.

"That'll do." I nodded leading the mini tornado towards Lucy and Wendy.

"HEY! I GOT THE FLOWERS!" I yelled flying at full speed towards Lucy.

"AHK! I DIDN'T NEED SO MANY!" She yelled as the tornado bursted making it rain flowers.

"So pretty." I heard Wendy whisper as the flowers fell gently a few landing in her hair.

"I know." I smiled walking towards Gray.

"Hey, something wrong?" I smiled softly walking up to the male he stayed quiet.

"Don't feel well?" I tilted my head.

"Oh, no it's nothing like that. When we were fighting the dragons, did you get a weird feeling?" He turned to look at the sky.

"Like seeing a vision of the future or something like that?" I asked getting a bit more serious.

"I think I was hit here." He gripped his chest.

"The weird feeling that I... died won't go away. I can't really explain it, but I've felt this way before. I think from when I was a kid." He closed his eyes.

"Deliora and Ur, right?" I asked.

"Yeah. When I had the feeling that I saw a vision of my death, it felt strangely... yeah strangely warm." He mumbled.

"Warm?" I asked. He flinched a little before turning to me.

"Sorry you're probably annoyed of me just babbling my problems aren't you?" He smiled.

"Not at all." I smiled softly bumping into him.

"That reminds me. Whatever happened to Ultear? When the dragons attacked, I wonder if she was fighting somewhere, too." He sighed.

"She probably was." I nodded just as we were called to leave.


"We're going don't get your panties in a twist!" I yelled back starting to walk back to the carriage.

"Here." Lucy handed me a flower crown once we got on.

"Thanks!" I smiled putting it on and walking to my reserved section.




"I feel sick..." Natsu groaned for probably the tenth time since we got on the carriage.

"I'm sorry." Wendy apologized once again.

"Why don't you just give up." Carla rolled her eyes.

"Yeesh, I can't even take a nap 'cause of his noisy groaning." Gray scoffed making me laugh softly. He let out an annoyed sigh and positioned himself to be able to look out the window.

"STOP, STOP THE CARRIAGE!" He suddenly stood up.

"What are you doing?" Erza asked from the from section.

"What's wrong?" I sat up. He looked out the window again looking like he had just seen a ghost.

"Never mind..." He sat back down. I stared at the male worriedly questioning if he really was okay, but then I got a glance and I saw an old lady she smiled sweetly at me before mouthing something to me.

'Take care of Gray, please' She smiled I stared wide eyed and looked over to Gray who's back was turned to me. I felt my eyes water a bit before I pulled Gray towards me.

"Blade..." He sobbed. I carefully pulled him to my chest resting his head on my lap, where he curled into a ball before drifting off his tears staining through my jeans. I felt him relax and decided to play with his hair to calm him down even more.

'Poor Gray.' I sighed looking out the window.



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