Naval Battle!

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This chapter will be split in two by the way


"Where am I?" I asked looking around.

"You're in the infirmary." Porlyusica sighed.

"Lucy's competition!" I suddenly shot up pain running through my abdomen.

"Ouch!" I yelled holding the spot.

"Calm down child, they decide to go with the battles first then the competition. Besides your only half healed strangely your regenerating cells work faster than others."

"So does that mean I can go?" I asked hesitantly while raising an eyebrow.

"Fine damn impatient child just let me bandage you up." Porlyusica grumbled grabbing the bandages.

"Mhm!" I nodded moving so my legs were hanging off the edge of the bed.

"Let's begin." She handed me a rag and instructed me to but down on it. She took off the previous bandages and threw them away. Porlyusica grabbed some cotton which she dipped in the alcohol the gently dabbed on my wound.

"Nghhhh!" I bit down on the rag.

"Just a little more..." She frowned as she started placing the bandages around my torso.

"There!" She stood up.

"Thank you for your help!" I bowed my head before running off to where my team was.

. . .

"What did I miss?" I asked walking up to the others.

"Nothing. The Competition is just about to begin." Gray smiled ruffling my hair.

"Hey! Stop that!" I frowned.

"All of the teams are entering the water. Cherie from Lamia Scale! Jenny from Blue Pegasus! From Mermaid Heel, Risley! Juvia from Fairy Tail B has also entered the water!" The announcer yelled he was soon cut off by Minerva from Sabertooth.

"There she is... Minerva! Listen to those cheers!" He announced.

"And Lucy from Fairy Tail A!" I let out a small smile seeing Lucy in there to win a competition for us.

"What a gorgeous tapestry we've got before us! All the players are female and they're wearing swim suits!" The announcer commented.

"Uhm... i'm here too, and i'm wild." That one guy from that one dog guild frowned.

"Tch, a man?" The special guest for today clicked his tongue.

"You clicked your tongue at me?!" The guy yelled.

"The rules are simple. If you leave the water, you're out. In just a moment, the Naval Battle will begin!" The announcer yelled.

"Go get em' Lucy!" Natsu yelled.

"Since she's in water, she can use Aquarius right?" Gray raised an eyebrow.

"This is a good contest for her." Erza smiled.

"Yep!" Wendy and I agreed with a nod.

"And now, let the Naval Battle begin!" The announcer yelled.

"Sorry, everyone, but right off the bat..." Lucy smiled.


"They've got a mermaid, too, huh? The more the merrier!" Riley from Mermaid Heel smiled.

"RAHHHHH! WATER IS MY GARDEN!" Aquarius yelled almost sending out most of the girls along with the only male in the competition.

"Oh, no, you don't! Water Cyclone!" Juvia yelled her and Aquarius' attack colliding head on.

"Aquarius really is amazing, huh? I mean she's not even takin' a licking from Juvia's power!" Natsu smiled.

"But by that same argument, I get the feeling that Juvia-san is amazing for not loosing to Aquarius-san!" Wendy smiled.

"Juvia is going to win! Juvia can't let Gray-sama see her shameful in battle!" Juvia yelled. I heard Erza talk to Gray about something, but I was way too into the battle to pay attention all I heard is' you should tell her about you two' or something like that.

"Juvia!" Lucy frowned.

"My romantic rival!" Juvia countered. Aside from that battle all the other guild members started taking each other out. The first one to go was the only male. Although Lucy was nearly second to go out when Aquarius disappeared, luckily Virgo and Aries got to her in time. Of course this sent the crowd wild.

'Perverts!' I internally sighed.

"No matter how many you bring out, the result is the same!" Juvia attacked which Aries countered with a wool attack.

"Juvia is going to knock you out all at once! Nobody can win against Juvia in the water! Juvia learned this move when second origin was released... This new special technique! Go forth, wings of love!"

"GRAY-SAMA, LOVE!" Juvia attacked nearly making me choke on my spit.

"KNOCK IT OFF!" Gray yelled embarrassed. Although that was a weird attack it managed to knock out all the girls except Minerva and Lucy. After her attack Juvia turned to where we were and looked at Gray. I turned my head to the male and saw that...

' HE'S TOTALLY TURNED OFF!!' I covered my mouth with my hand and did my best not to laugh. I turned back to the competition and noticed that Juvia had somehow gotten out of the water. Now it was only Lucy and Minerva.


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