#1 in the Gray Fullbuster tag August 13 ♡
Gray x OC I was just bored and I like fairy tail so I made this. This is based off the anime and more on forward it will be based off the manga.
This Oc is Lucy's sister and they ran away from home and th...
One more chapter and the Fairy Tail manga is officially gonna end T-T. I don't know what I'm going to do with my life after it ends. Fairy Tail is probably my #1 anime and if i'm correct it was one of the first five anime I watched T~T.
Also I put in a few pics of this manga chapter throughout the story so enjoy! I just blanked out the dialogue cause it would've messed with everything + you were just gonna be rereading what I had just written.
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Somehow managing we managed to make it to Porlyusica where I finally gave in to the internal wounds a passed out at arrival.
♕~Natsu's P.O.V~♕ (That's a first! But you'll see why...)
Looking around I observed my unfamiliar surroundings.
"What is this place?" I muttered suddenly feeling a presence behind me.
"Hm? Is somebody there?" I turned to face the presence.
"It's me, Natsu." The black haired wizard smiled.
"Zeref." I whispered before frowning, feeling anger course through me.
"Don't get any funny ideas. This is the inside of your heart." He explained but I just ignored him and attacked him.
"And as such, I have no physical form here." He added as I went through him after attempting to punch.
"Huuh? The inside of my heart?" I asked rubbing my head where I landed after the failed attack.
"Indeed... At the very least, if only while we're in here together, I have no problem if you wish to address me as 'Big brother'." He slightly smirked.
"Yeah right!" I retorted.
"As much as it pains me to say this... You are going to die soon. And it's for that very reason that i've come here now, in your last moments, to fill in the gaps in your lost memories." Zeref turned to me.
"Huh?" I frowned.
"I'm referring to your memories prior to your waking up in X777." He explained.
"I was together with Igneel!" I exclaimed.
"I'm talking before... earlier than that." He sighed turning to look to his right... or left.... I'm not sure I just mimicked his actions and stared at the scenting appearing before me.
"We lived peacefully in a small, quaint village. Those two are our mother and father and there is our little sister Blade." He pointed each one.
"Blade?!" I exclaimed.
"That's right." He nodded before continuing.
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"However, one day the village was attacked by a dragon, and completely annihilated. Father along with mother... and you and Blade. On this day, all four of you lost you lives." I stood there speechless nothing was able to come out of my mouth, no words or remarks at least.
"But even so... I tirelessly continued my research, and finally I was able to resurrect you and Blade. You were resurrected as my very last demon E.N.D. Somehow during resurrection you protected Blade from also ending up as one of my demons so she only became half-demon half-human." He explained on while I just stared at him letting everything sink in.
"Ah... I believe I already spoke to you earlier about the particulars of what occurred around this time. While Blade went to the family of the Heartfillias, I entrusted you to Igneel . But, from that point on... your memories are likely vague and cloudy. Side effects of the Dragon Soul ceremony, i'd say. Back then, you had already met Gajeel and the rest of the slayers." I was shocked to find the scenery change again to me when I was younger fighting Gajeel.
"You and Gajeel were a couple of Rascals... Always at each others throats. And Wendy, who would come to try and break things up, would always burst into tears. As for Sting and Rouge, who were around the same age as Wendy, they idolized the two of you as their adopted older brothers." He finished with a smile as the scene began to disappear.
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(A/N: Omfg look at how cute Rouge looks!)
♬~Blade's P.O.V~♬
Finally waking up I noticed Evergreen carrying me piggy back style.
"Evergreen." I frowned considering I didn't really know her well.
"Where's Gray." I groaned climbing off her back.
"Hey! you cant just walk around with your injuries!" She exclaimed.
"I'll be fine, just give it a minute. Where's Gray." I muttered.
"Stubborn-- He vanished." She grumbled.
"I see." I sighed.
"Now let's go look for the others." She pulled me along the streets of the now back to normal Magnolia.
"Natsuuuuu! Luuucccyyy!" Evergreen called capturing the attention of the two standing outside some building.
"Blade and Ever!" Natsu exclaimed in acknowledgment.
"And Porlyusica!" Lucy added.
"Carla~!" Happy grinned.
"Where's Gray?" Natsu frowned.
"We looked all over for him but he's up and vanished! We cant find him!" Carla explained.
"Prancing around with his body in that state... Does he have a death wish!?" Porlyusica exclaimed.
"I had my eyes closed the moment before the bright light started shining, so...." Evergreen sighed.
"I just woke up." I explained sadly.
"He's gone?" Lucy frowned. Suddenly a strange rumbling sound began to resonate around us.
"What's that sound?" Happy looked around.
"Up there!" Carla pointed at the cathedral.
"There's someone on top of the Cathedral." Natsu pointed out. Looking up we found a strange man standing at the very top. We stared for a bit until a familiar person punched him, destroying the whole cathedral in the process.
"Just leave this guy to me." Guildarts smirked.
"LET'S GO IT'S TIME TO GO PAY ZEREF A VISIT!" Natsu exclaimed running off in the direction of the guild.
"AYE, SIR!" Happy followed.
"But what about Gray?!" Lucy frowned.
"Not to worry! I already know where he's at!" Natsu exclaimed dragging Lucy and I with him.
"Most likely Gray's.... Headin' straight for Zeref." He frowned.