Let's go on a date!

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Still cringy (Edited)

Another one of my own chapters... this is gonna suck and it's gonna be short. So sorry in advance.

♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘  ♙ ♘ ♗ ♖ ♕ ♔ 

"She's still asleep?!" I heard a muffled voice.

"Mhm." Another voice nodded. The first voice let out a sigh. A pair of heavy footsteps started making it's way over to my room the door slowly creaked and the footsteps grew closer until it seemed like they stopped next to me.

"Blade wake up." The first voice I came to recognize as Gray whispered shaking me a bit.

"Just... one more... set of... eleventeen minutes...." I groaned.

"You've left me no choice." Gray mumbled.

"Hmmmm?" I groaned. The bed dipped next to me and then I felt a stinging cold pain at the back of my neck.

"ARHH!" I yelled jumping out of bed.

"Finally!" Gray smirked standing proudly.

"I hate you." I pouted rubbing the back of my neck to warm it up.

"Yeah yeah love you too. Now get up and get change we have a date to get started." Gray laughed.

"Fine. Just get out so I can change." I grumbled going to my closet.

"Okay then just hurry or we'll be late." Gray urged walking out closing the door behind him.

"Yeah yeah." I mumbled changing into a random tee and a pair of skinny jeans accompanied by a pair of high top converse.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed walking out.

"Mhm." Gray nodded leading me out to our destined location.

"I call the swings!" I yelled ditching Gray.

"Hey! Wait up!" He called.

"Why aren't there any kids around?" I asked looking around the empty park.

"Hmmm. Don't know." Gray mumbled sitting on a swing next to me while looking around.

"Maybe because this place is haunted." I said in a creepy tone.

"Screw off." He laughed pushing me away 

"Hehe." I smiled swinging softly.

"So what are we doing here anyways?" I asked kicking my legs forward.

"Well... One I've been wanting to come to the park for a while and two I wanted to have a picnic." Gray smiled holding up a picnic basket.

"Cliche..." I mumbled.

"What?!" Gray asked somewhat sassily.

"Oh nothing, nothing." I hummed looking away.

"Yeah right!" Gray laughed tackling me.

"Noooo!" I yelled laughing.

"Say you're sorry!" Gray sat on me.

"Make me!" I yelled trying to push him off.

"Fine!" He added more pressure.

"Arghh! YOU'RE CRUSHING ME!" I laughed.

"Say sorry!" Gray exclaimed.

"Fine! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I yelled.

"Apology accepted." Gray bowed standing up offering me a hand.

"Hmph." I pouted jokingly.

"C'mon let's eat."

"Fine." I nodded sitting at one of the picnic tables.

"I could've died you know." I mumbled grabbing a sandwich. Gray stared at me intently before bursting out into laughter.

"I could've you're as heavy as an elephant." I grumbled taking a bite out of my sandwich which only made Gray laugh harder.

"Meanie." I pouted taking another bite.

"So what now?" I asked after we finished eating.

"Uhhhhh... I don't know I didn't plan up this far ahead." Gray laughed sheepishly.

"Hmmm..." I though for a moment.

"Oh! I know!" I exclaimed.

"What?" Gray asked

"Hold on to me." I spread my arms open.

"Uhm ok..." Gray hesitantly hugged me. Quickly I summoned my wings.

"Ready for take off!" I smiled flying up.

"Aghhhh!" Gray clinged on to me.

"Next time warn me before you take off like that!" He yelled.

"I did didn't I?" I asked with a fake sweet smile.

"Hmpf." He huffed looking away.

"Alright then hold on tight." I warned.

"Hmm." He hugged me harder burying his face into the crook of my neck.

"We're here." I stated landing in the field of flowers.

"Woah... How did you find this place?" Gray mumbled looking at the field of flowers accompanied by a huge cherry tree located in the center.

"I found it a few weeks ago when I was bored and decided to go for a walk." I replied making my way to the cherry tree.

"C'mon" I motioned to Gray to follow.

"It's a nice place." Gray stated looking around.

"I know I usually come here when I want to be alone." I smiled sitting against the tree.

"You mind if I come too sometimes?" He asked sitting next to me.

"Sure. It's not mine to claim." I mumbled resting my head on his shoulder.

"Hmmmm..." Gray hummed.

"What time is it?" I asked closing my eyes.

"Almost five. Why?" He answered.

"Because I wanted you to see the sunset it looks especially pretty here." I mumbled.

"Oh..." Gray uttered.

"I had fun today." I whispered.

"Me too..." Gray hummed happily. 

That afternoon I saw the prettiest sunset yet. 

♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ ♘ ♗ ♖ ♕ ♔ 

Not bad... Not bad...


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