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I decided to minority edit this cause it's not that big to the plot. Weapon above if you cant see it it's Diane's mallet/hammer from The Seven Deadly Sins. (edited)


I was behind Lucy waiting to get my guild mark. Once she got hers she ran to show Natsu. 

"Where would you like your mark" Mirajane asked me with a soft smile.

 "Here" I said lifting my shirt slightly a few inches away from my belly button. She pressed the stamp where I wanted it. It glowed and the light faded out she took it off and put it away. I looked to see it and it was black. Cool.

I sat next to Lucy who calmed down a little. I put in my earphones and started reading.  After a while I heard"I hate you all!!!" And saw a boy running out.  A crunching sound followed the boys departure I looked to the source and Natsu punched the board. He walked out angrily with Lucy following after him and I followed her I would rather not be there alone and i'm terrible at socializing. Not my fault i'm too weird to live but too rare too die.

-~Le time skip brought to you by unicorns~-

We were currently going to Mt.Hakobe to look for Romeo's dad. I looked over to Natsu who was blue and looked like he was about to puke. Poor Natsu he has motion sickness apparently . "Hey Blade what kind of magic do you use?" Happy asked me while trying to soothe Natsu.

"I can summon weapons and a few other things." I answered.

"Cool!" He replied. The rest of the way Lucy kept talking about things that I'm to lazy to pay attention to. 

"We're here this is as far as I take you." The driver yelled Natsu ran out immediately. I looked outside and it was snowing.

"It's summer and it's snowing here!!"Lucy complained "And I'm cold!" She added.

 "Maybe it's because you're wearing little clothing" Natsu retorted.

 "Same goes to you!" She exclaimed. 

"I'm pretty cold too." I shivered rubbing hands together for warmth.

"Oh wait I know" Lucy said starting to get one of her keys."Open gate of the clock Horologium" she said summoning one of her spirits. 'Of course count on Lucy to call Horologium at a moment like this.' I sighed.

We both got in and kept walking hoping to find Romeo's dad.

"'What job did Macao come for?' She asks" the clock asked for Lucy.

"To get rid of some vulcans" Natsu answered.

"'Vulcans?!?!' She says panicking" the clock said.

"Yep." Natsu answered as if it was nothing.

"'Eek I wanna go home!' she squeals." Said the clock. 

"Be our guest" Natsu said. She just sighed and followed us.

"This is getting pretty annoying." I grumbled quashed with Lucy.

"Macao are you alive!?!?!?" "Macao!!!" Natsu and Happy started yelling.

We kept looking for a while until a huge weird looking ape jumped down and looked around it stopped when he looked at Lucy and me... Mostly Lucy. 

"Human woman" it exclaimed picking up the clock.

"Shit...." I mumbled as the Ape took us away. Arriving at a cave the Vulcan finally set us down on the ground. 'Now to wait for Natsu.' I huffed.

It wasn't long until Natsu showed up. Although rather than walking in he ran which made him slip on the icy floor immediately he was sent sliding towards a cold hard wall. 

"Ouch!" I flinched, looking around I noticed that Lucy summoned 'Taurus the pervert'. Yeah that's what I call him. Natsu managed to get up without falling again but he attacked Taurus instead of the Vulcan. 

'Idiot.' I looked at Taurus who was beat up by Natsu. The Vulcan picked up taurus's ax and tried attacking Natsu with it. 

"The Legacy!!" I yelled summoning a large mallet. Going against the Ape I knocked it down with a single swing.  The quick attack gave Natsu enough time to get up. He started kicking the vulcans butt with a bunch of random attacks while I went with Lucy who shut Taurus gate. 

"Fire Dragon Wing Slash!!!" Natsu yelled slamming the vulcan with fire into an ice wall. The Vulcan suddenly began to glow before it turned into a guy.

"Wait did the vulcan just turn into a guy!?" Lucy exclaimed.

 "Yeah its take over magic. Vulcans use it to take over human bodies and help them survive." Happy explained. I helped Natsu lay him down properly and started to cover his wounds with some bandages Natsu brought along, not long after the guy woke up.

"Shoot i only got 19 of them." He groaned disappointedly. "But the 20, one that one got to me." He huffed smiling. 

 "Lets get going so we can get to town tomorrow." Lucy suggested. Natsu and I helped Macao up and started making or way down the mountain.

--time skip brought to you by a butler Grell spilling my tea--

We managed to get to town the next day. You should've seen the look on Romeo's face when he heard his fathers voice. His face lit up with a huge smile it was adorable. We all walked away with huge smiles on our faces. Actually I had a tiny smile but still. Romeo thanked us while we where walking. "You're welcome" Lucy and I yelled to him.

Its official I really like this guild.


Hi guys huge thanks to the people who voted for the story and also a huge thanks to people who actually like this story.

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