Heyoooooo I'm back. Do you guys think I should include the O.V.A's? And after that should I try to go off the manga and see how it goes... Or should I try to write something else
This does not continue off from the Tartaros Arc!!
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"And these what's-their-name bandits..." Gray started as we ran through the narrow streets.
"The Bacchus Bandits! We're supposed to catch Geese, their leader! The Mayor himself posted his job so it's gonna be a HUGE reward!" Lucy exclaimed with a creepy face.
"Lucy, your crazy greedy face is showing." Happy and I warned.
"How rude!" She retorted.
"Just stay focused you two!" Carla warned.
"Erza-san." Wendy called out.
"What is it, Wendy?" Erza turned her head back slightly.
"Is it just me, or does the city seem too quiet?" Wendy Pointed out, at that exact moment a group of bandits flew out from everywhere completely surrounding us.
"An ambush, huh?" Gray sighed.
"You guys aint' getting past us!" One of the guys with a scar on his face yelled.
"We're gonna turn you into fish food and knock you into the ocean!" Another threatened.
"Sounds great! I'm getting fired up!" Natsu smirked.
"Our only target is Geese, their leader! We won't get our reward unless we've captured him!" Erza reminded.
"I want the reward~! I want the money~! Reward~! Reward~!" Lucy chanted giddily.
"Yup, she's turned evil." Happy sighed.
"Get em'!" A guy yelled.
"Scatter!" Erza commanded making us all jump away in our own direction. Left, right, right, left, dead end.
"Hello..." I smiled innocently.
"Lookie what we got here." The guy smirk softly slamming his club against the palm of his hand.
"Okay, just hand over Geese and you won't get hurt." I offered.
"Ha! As if!" They all began to laugh.
"Have it your way then." I shrugged bringing out my weapon.
"I warned you..." I chuckled licking the blade of the scythe before cutting through all of them. Just as I was about to question them a loud explosion erupted near me.
"Probably Natsu." I sighed knowing we might have to give up the prize money to repair the town. I decided to leave my defeated group behind and went ahead to find the others.
"Bingo." I smiled as I saw an iced floor. Carefully I followed it to find Natsu and Gray shooting a guy back and forth while arguing.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Erza yelled making them stop.
"Yes, ma'm!" They yelled straightening up causing the guy to fall on Gray and Natsu to fall sliding towards me.
"Watch it!" I yelled jumping over him careful not to slip.
"HUH?!" He yelled as he slid all the way to the end.
"There he goes..." I said as he disappeared out of sight.
"Let's go!" Erza suddenly commanded running off with Gray following her.
"Huh?" I jumped chasing after him. Wendy somehow found us and ran with us.

Gray Fullbuster (Gray X OC)
Fanfiction#1 in the Gray Fullbuster tag August 13 ♡ Gray x OC I was just bored and I like fairy tail so I made this. This is based off the anime and more on forward it will be based off the manga. This Oc is Lucy's sister and they ran away from home and th...